Chapter 15

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Anabia's POV

It was midnight...I was completing my maths homework. Maths was my favorite subject but I was not good at Maths... Can you feel me..?

Finally, after three hours of my hardship, I was able to solve boring problems of Complex Integration.
I loved integration when I was in middle school school but Complex Integration had a different world. Sometimes it made me hate my favorite subject.

I outstretched my arm, my eyelids got heavy. All I needed was a good sleep. I laid down but hell my throat was dry. I looked for a bottle but it was empty. I had to go to the kitchen now.

Sighing, I slipped in my slippers, and without bothering about hijab I made my way to the kitchen.

I was drinking water when I heard a loud bang on the door. My little soul got frightened. Should I check...?
What if it would be a thief....or ghost??
Don't be silly Bia... just check...

I started reciting Aytal Kursih and almost crawled to the living room but seeing the view I clutched my heart. It was Daniyal... lying unconscious on the floor. He seemed drunk. Maybe his friend had dropped him.

He was lying unconscious on the cold floor. Poor Daniyal.

But I had no guts to touch him as he was drunk. I guessed he did all the haram stuff. I locked the main door and came back to my room leaving him behind on the floor.

A tear slipped from my eyes. What I had done to get this type of spouse. I always kept myself from all the haram stuff and see the irony my husband was quite opposite to me.

"We choose good women for good men and bad women for bad men" a verse of the Quran clicked in my mind.

I was not a bad woman then why I got him. I am a religious and devoted Muslim and he is an atheist.

"Wish for the spouse who could take you to Jannah " I remembered this...and I had always wished for a good Muslim. Though I was quite young to think about a husband and all whenever I caught glimpses of this thought I always wanted a perfect Muslim, a man of a good character.

But Daniyal...I took a deep breath and laid on my bed. He was lying alone on the floor.
Should I help him? But he was drunk...
But he is your husband Bia...and it's your responsibility to take care of him.

Husband... really..? Who hates me..? Who loves someone else. ?

Whatever he is your husband.

After having those ten minutes of a fight with my inner voice I came back to the living room. As I reached near him the strong smell of alcohol hit my nostrils. I was about to puke...I quickly covered my mouth with a cloth.

"Daniyal..get up please" I shook his shoulder... he was so heavy that I couldn't take him all by myself.

He didn't show a single movement.
"Daniyal.." I almost screamed in his ears.

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