Chapter 29

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"Oh em gee... finally you're here" this was Natalie in her usual tone.

"Don't tell me you and Daniel are just cousins... you like him, right?" Kate wiggled her brows. I gave them my sweet smile to irritate them and walked to my locker.

"Wtf Ana... we want an explanation. You skipped twenty days with him.. even his sister was showing herself daily, then why..."

"I'll tell you guys eventually.  I just need some time " I cut off Kate.

"Wait... what.. it means there is something between you and him.. oh my Jesus, I can't believe... I'm dying " Jessie squealed. In simple words, she was overreacting.

"I'm going to my next class. Bye " I waved at them without caring about their glares.

It was my biology class. I hoped to not see Aidan there. That incident was still giving me goosebumps. I was relieved seeing he was nowhere in class. I've no friends in my biology class so I sat in an empty seat.

"Hello beautiful " my breath hitched and I choked realizing whose voice it was. My legs started shaking and my body was sweating from fear.

"Did you forget me" he moved closer to me. He smirked and started paying attention to the teacher.

I gasped when I felt his heavy hand on my right thigh. My eyes automatically pricked from tears. He started drawing some circles on my thigh. I controlled myself cuz I didn't want any drama in class. As the bell rang... I ran outside and Aidan followed me.

I was running towards my locker when I bumped into someone.

"Are you okay?" Daniyal asked in a worried tone as he saw my tears.
I nodded and tried to walk away from him but he grabbed my hand.
"Tell me what's wrong Bia" he snarled. 

Before I could say anything Aidan reached to us. He was shocked to see Daniyal here.  Maybe he wasn't expecting him.  It took a moment for Daniyal to understand the situation.  He left my hand and moved towards Aidan. His fists were clenched and his eyes were raging.  Aidan ran to the ground and Daniyal was running after him.  It made a scene as the whole school was watching it. 

"It was my mistake" I cursed myself and ran towards Daniyal.

The crowd was gathered around them and Daniyal was punching Aidan senselessly.  And people were cheering up him.. like seriously bro??

Aidan stood and punched Daniyal at his old bruise. Daniyal flinched and fell to the ground.

"Daniyal.." I shouted with my full force without caring about people's gaze and murmuring. This time I cared about Daniyal.. my Daniyal.. my HUSBAND... my LIFE.

I ran between the crowd and reached  Daniyal.

"Are you okay Daniyal " I touched his bruise and I was crying continuously.

He stared into my eyes for a while then he did what I couldn't think even in my million dreams. He pulled me in a kiss... a freaking kiss...

Daniyal Murtaza kissed me in front of the whole goddamn school. I didn't kiss him back cuz I can feel the gasping and murmuring of other students. But I was blushing...

"Now ... I got that why you were so mad at me... she was one of your toys," Aidan said with a chuckle. 

I tilted my head and I earned many death glares from girls especially from Lily and Emily.

"Eww...she looks so naive but she is not less than any hoe " A girl scrunched her nose like this kiss happened the first time in school. They even used to do their dirty deeds in school and it was just a small kiss.
It was a different thing that this small kiss made me flustered.

Daniyal stood with my help and eyed Aidan.
"Toy...?? Watch your mouth... and If you ever tried to look at my girl, I would pull your eyeball out from your socket " he roared and intertwined his hands to mine.

My girl...? He called me my girl in front of the whole school...

"So you guys are dating or what, " a boy asked from the crowd.

"She is my WIFE... we're married.  And I won't tolerate it if anyone ever tried to look at her. She is mine... and whoever laid a finger on her...I'll beat the shit out of him" he said sternly and I heard loud gasps from the crowd. I could feel the intense butterflies in my stomach. 
Lily and Emily were staring at me with their wide eyes. It was unexpected... unexpected for everyone... even unexpected for me. He walked with me without glancing at them.

"" he interrupted me moving away from me.
I sighed and headed towards school.

All the students were watching me and murmuring something. It was weird cuz I'd never got any attention and now everyone was talking about us. Daniyal and Aidan were in the principal's office. 

I reached my locker...there I go. My friends were standing there crossing their arms over their chest, sending me a death glare.

"What " I furrowed my brows.

"I'll kill you bitchhhh" Jessie screamed and all the students started watching us. Good..more drama...

"YOU'RE A FREAKINGWIFEOFDANIEL JESUSSSSS... I CAN'T BELIEVE THIS " she held me and screamed in my ears.

"I was about to tell..." I bowed my head.

"I'm sooooooo happyyyyyy.... but we were surprised to hear this.... even the whole school was surprised... you guys are married... ohhh emm geee" Kate pulled me in a bone-crushing hug.

"Oh, my gawwwd.. he kissed you... in front of the whole school... he punched Aidan...Gawdd..he waas so protective " these girls were making me crazy. I calmed my breath.

"When did you guys get married " Natalie bombarded her next question.

"When I was in India," I said and closed my eyes... I was not ready to face their reactions.

"BITCHHHHHHHH" They all groaned and started slapping my arms, my head.

They were as crazy as hell.

"Stop torturing my wife... y'all hurting her " we all tilted our heads as we heard the voice. He was standing there with amusement in his eyes.

Am I dreaming...? This can't be real...?
First what he did in front of the whole school and now he's teasing me with my friends..? Really......?????

"Oooooo," they all said in sync.

"Awww....protective husband" Kate nudged me.

"Okay... Mr. Daniel...we know you love your wife so much... but she is our best friend... we love her too.. your glare won't affect us.. so just fuck off" Jessie stood in front of him and retorted with amusement in her voice.

Really... Jessie?? Stupid..  he doesn't love me... he was just doing his responsibility... the responsibility of a husband.

He nodded and walked away from us. I gave a fake glare to Jessie then we headed towards the cafeteria.

It was a different day for me.

Ohh emm geee... I love DANIBIA so muchhhhh❤❤❤❤
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