Chapter 24

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My stomach grumbled... I realized that I didn't eat since morning and it was almost night.  She must be hungry too. She was sleeping peacefully after taking meds. There were red bruises on her soft pink cheeks. Her hair was deshelved. Once again my blood boiled and I cursed Aidan.  

I went to the kitchen to cook something for us. I had never even boiled water in my life. Don't blame me... I was born with a silver spoon... there were maids and servants in my house. And things like cooking could never be my hobby.

I decided to make pancakes. After going through several YouTube videos... I found an easy recipe. It took me two hours to make this shit.. yess this was pancakes sorry my burnt pancake looks like shit. I glanced over the kitchen... the whole kitchen was a mess. I didn't know how Anabia managed to do this.

I sighed and looked at my pancake. She was not gonna eat was I. I decided to order pizza but Dang... my phone went off. I had no other option, I entered the bedroom with the tray of food. She awoke... as she saw me.. she quickly getup and fixed her hijab. She was looking pale and weak. Her eyes were red and puffy from crying.

"Here is your food " I smiled sheepishly.

"Do you really cook... Allah.. you should be called me " she looked flustered as it was an unexpected gesture for her.

"It's okay...but don't judge my cooking" I pouted like a child and she smiled. As her gaze traveled to food, her eyes got widened.
"What is this"

"Uh..umm..okay..I'll order something " I scratched the back of my neck and took the tray back.

"Hey...I just want to eat this" she stopped me and took the tray from my hand.  She put a huge bite of pancake in her mouth and ate it moaning.
Maybe I never knew that I had a hidden cooking talent. Though my food looks like crap but it definitely tastes good...I could tell this ... by the way she was eating.

"It was amazing " she smiled cheekily. 
"Thanks " I smirked.. she was not the only one who knows cooking. I could also cook delicious dishes.

I shoved a piece of pancake in my mouth and the taste exploded in my mouth. I looked at Anabia ... Her expressions were normal.
Hell... it tasted like crap. I started coughing... Anabia handed me a glass of water... I gulped all the water.

"How did you eat this.. it tastes like crap " my tongue was still burning from the shit I made.

"It was good" she rolled her eyes.

"Something is wrong with your taste bud" I snarled and deep inside I was embarrassed.  Lol... I thought I had a cooking talent.

"Thanks, Daniyal... if you didn't come..." she sighed gazing at her palm.

"I'm your husband Bia.. and I'm always there for you," I said genuinely looking into her eyes. 
Did I really say this??
Maybe...I was changed.. that horrible incident made me realize that she was damn important to me.

She gazed at me in disbelief even I was also surprised by my words. Did I mean what I said? Did I really care about her??

"Thanks to the Almighty ... I knew he'll help me.. and He sent you," she said smiling.  This girl and her faith... there was something with her faith, something which I couldn't deny.

"Your God really loves you," I said with a genuine smile and she looked startled by my words.  We kept seeing each other's eyes... Her eyes were the most beautiful eyes I had ever seen.
Am I falling for her...?

"I should cook something for you " she chuckled.

"No...I'm fine.. I've not much appetite " I lied.

"Okay," she said with a small smile and walked outside. I laid down on my bed and closed my eyes.  Her beautiful face was running in my mind... Crap... how could I fall for her..? How could I like her..?

"Daniyal " I opened my eyes.  She was holding a tray of Chinese rice.

"You must be hungry..." she smiled and put the bowl on my lap.

"You don't need to..." I looked embarrassed.. she was not well and she had to cook for me.
Why...I was thinking about her in that way... I never cared how she feels.. how she is...but now I was...

"I gotta pray " she turned quickly and stepped into the washroom. I saw her praying.. her white scarf was wrapped around her head. She looked like an angel...a pure Angel... like my mom. Every time I saw her, I started missing my mom. Her hairs, her voice, her eyes, her modesty, her shyness, her cooking, her faith... everything was the same as my mom.

I was the guy who goes for hot, sexy chicks,...when did I start liking modesty, shyness...? What was happening to me... I was staring at her like a crazy lovesick puppy.

After folding her prayer rug she took her pillow and blanket and moved to the living room. I wanted to stop her... I wanted to stay with her .. but I didn't utter anything.  I laid down on my bed and snuggled closer to my pillow assuming it was her...

Anabia's POV

It was strange that he was taking care of me... he even cooked for me..  was I dreaming or something.  I pinched myself to check...but heck yess.. it was real...he was taking care of me. I loved it when he called me Bia... I loved it when he stared into my eyes... I loved it when he smiled at me sheepishly. 
Am I falling for him...?

As I reached school, there were millions of questions waiting for me. I was silent.  My girls and Shuzaat were worried about me. I was startled when I saw Sarah.... she came and hugged me.

"What happened to you...who did this to you," she asked squinting my face.

"Aidan..." I replied curtly.

" " she squirmed from her place.

"Cuz I told you to not meet him.. he thought that I was creating misunderstandings between you too" I let out a small sigh.

"If he is crazy.. ? I blocked him cuz I just don't want to see him again.. he is such a bastard.. I'll chop his head and feed to the street dog" she groaned and cursed him like a sister. Yes, she was my sister.. my caring sister. Then how could I leave her with Aidan?

"You don't need to.. your brother had already beaten the shit out of him," I said remembering the incident.

"Daniel did this... for you.." she asked with surprise and I nodded.

"You created a soft spot in his heart. First, he fought with dad and mom for you, and now this..." she was happy like a kid.

"I don't know " I sighed.

"I'm sorry for my mom.. she is so mean... I hate her but she is mom" she said with guilt like it was her fault.

"It's alright... it's not your fault " I said and waved off. It was my Maths class.

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I'll be right here with a new update.. take care

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