Chapter 13

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Anabia's POV

"Here she is " Natalie squealed and almost jumped from her seat when she saw me entering the classroom.

"What happened that day... you guys are dating...huh...?" Jessie pulled my cheeks.

"What" I rolled my eyes. I had no clue what they were talking about.

"Mhmm... you and told me about the coffee date," Jessie said in a chirpy tone and I was shocked.
How could this girl assume this...and she told everyone.

"It's nothing like this " before I could explain myself to them Kate cut me off.

" are an awesome girl. I mean you look so innocent,  so shy, so naive like you don't know anything and here you're trapping guys" she smirked at me.

I looked at her with shocked eyes. She was not my Kate... she was different... she was someone else...her words felt like a bomb to me.

"What the FUCK are you talking Kate " Natalie glared at her.

"You know what...people were right... Muslims are terrorists...they love to destroy other's life... Some by the bomb and some are like you " she smirked.

I looked at her in disbelief.  She just called me a terrorist.
My eyes got blurry and tears slipped from my eyes. Her words kept repeating and repeating in my head.
Terrorist...Terrorist... Terrorist

"Shut up Kate" Natalie scoffed and placed her hands on her shoulders but she jerked them away.

"You snatched my Shuzaat... you are a bitch... you showed your real self...that you are a fucking terrorist "
I snatched Shuzaat from her.

"Listen Kate...before talking these shits about Ana..remember that your crush is also a Muslim " Jessie almost yelled. Kate huffed and stomped her feet and left.

"Look...she didn't mean this... she is just a stupid girl...I'm saying sorry on her behalf... actually she likes Shuzaat...she just lost her mind... please don't mind " Natalie apologized to me with guilt in her eyes.

"It's okay Natalie... you don't need to apologize.  It's fine actually.." I gave her my weak smile and headed towards the library.  I just wanted to spend some time alone.

My eyes were burning from crying. I rubbed my eyes harshly.
"Dadoo...I miss you..where are you... why do you leave me alone... I need you Dadoo... your Bia needs you... there is no one for me... no one to love one to take care of me... no one to support me... no one to understand me. I really need you dadoo"
I didn't know how much I cried. I was crying in a library but thankfully no one noticed me.

Daniel's POV

I was practicing football with my team. Alex and Kyle were quite good at football but Jace was facing some problems since he got a fracture in his leg a few weeks ago.
I was the caption of my team. Tomorrow's match means so much to me and my team. We were trying our best to win the match.

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