Chapter 26

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I was sitting in the library when I heard weird noises. Ugh... what's wrong with them... why they can't do this in their homes...

I tried to distract myself from maths...
"Daniel... don't stop " I heard a girl's voice and I spun... here he was... Daniyal was making out with a brunette. Our eyes met... I pulled my gaze and exited from the library... I just couldn't hold it anymore... seeing him with another girl just made me sick...
Yes... I'm jealous... he was my husband... and I can't see him with any other cuz...I love... no crap... I can't love him... he's a player.....

Daniel's POV

It fucking irritated me that why I couldn't shrug her out from my head. I was feeling something... I was feeling everything... the thing which I had never felt with Emily...

After our break up... I didn't put a single glance on that bitch... and I thought I loved her... I didn't even care that she was dating now Dean... I saw them making out but it didn't affect me at all...
Then what's wrong with Anabia... why I became mad when I saw some other guy hitting on her... why I couldn't see tears in her eyes... why I couldn't stop myself to think about her... why...??? Why she was all over my mind... I was the type of boy who goes through hookups or one-night stands... except I dated twice... but even during dating I never felt this... thiss weird feeling.... that was hovering over me...

I needed a distraction... I kissed a brunette... I didn't want to but I did to get over her thoughts... but it had no end... I started searching for her in every other girl... what's wrong with me????

I was invited to a party... it'll be a perfect distraction from her.  I entered into a frat... everyone was drunk there... some were passed out on the ground and some were grinding their body to hot chicks.  I drank... I drank two bottles of vodka... but it didn't work...

" are drunk again... I don't want to carry you again to your home " Kyle frowned.

"No need to..." I snapped him and poured another glass.

"But I will drop you..." Alex smirked.

"I didn't ask you to drop...I can get home by myself." I rolled my eyes gulping the drink.

"Why don't you bring your cousin there..." Alex asked me scanning my face.

"She is not that type of girl..." I groaned. Why the fuck Alex always talked about her.

"Mhmm... I see... but she is fucking beautiful... I could imagine her naked figure.. she'll be hot...she..." I cut him off by punching him on his nose.

"How dare you to talk about her" I climbed on top of him and continued punching... everyone there was shocked ... I'd never reacted in that way.

"Hey stop dude.." Kyle pulled me off from his body.

"Listen... just listen... if you ever tried to look at her...I'll pull your eyeball out from your socket ... " I snorted and punched him the last time.

It pierced my soul the disgusting things he talked about her.. she didn't deserve this... I walked out of the frat house and drove to my apartment.

Anabia's POV

I was pissed off... sadly I fed myself and laid down on the couch... it was 1 am and he was not at home... I sighed.. the door opened... and I heard footsteps .. it must be Daniel... as he had spare keys.  I closed my eyes then someone fell on the ground with a loud thud... I gasped and switched on the light...

Daniyal was lying on the floor... he was drunk... this broke my heart..  he was drunk again... tears made their way to my cheeks. 

It was time for wife duty...ugh

I sighed and walked to him.. he was passed out and there were bruises on his face and his knuckles... Did he got in a fight??

I shook him...and told him to go to bed. First, he looked at me in surprise then nodded. He almost crawled to the bedroom. I took off his shoes and searched for a first aid kit.  I found it in a drawer.  I cleaned his blood... as I touched..he whined.

"Why the heck you were fighting.." I groaned controlling my tears.

He opened his eyes and stared at me with blank eyes.  Tears were rolling down my cheeks.  I cleaned his wound and applied a bandaid to it.  I lifted his head and put a pillow underneath.

"I'm sore.. sor...sorry " he slurred.

I looked at him with confusion... it was the first time he was saying sorry to me... but why...?

"Whom did you fight " I whispered wiping my tears.

"You're crying... I hate your tea..tears " he said and touched my cheeks sending a shiver down to my spine.

"Why," I said still staring at him.

"I don't know..." he whined like a baby.

"Okay.. but tell me what got you in a fight..?" I asked concernedly.

"He was shit about you.." he scrunched his nose.

"Who..."  he wasn't in his senses so it gave me the confidence to ask him millions of questions.

He didn't say anything and closed his eyes... I decided to leave but he held my hand.

"Stay " he whispered... I laid down beside him. He quickly wrapped his arms around my waist... it felt so warm... so comfortable.. even though he was drunk...but I was getting weird comfort around him.

"I love you Bia" was the last word I heard before falling asleep...

Did he really mean that...?
Lol.. he was drunk.. he was not in his senses.

Daniel's POV

I gaped as I realized where I was... I remembered the fight at Alex's house and driving to my apartment.  Once again She had to suffer for me... I looked at my bruises.. they were cleaned. She did this.. even though I was drunk... Alcohol was forbidden in her religion...and she probably got vomit when she came near me.. but she still did it.

I wasn't feeling well enough to go to school.  I glanced at the wall clock.  School time was almost over. Lol...

After taking a nice shower I walked to the kitchen to grab something.  I found pancakes and sandwiches already there. She made breakfast for me...
Why did she care about me..?

I hope you guys like this chapter... so what do you think about the confession Daniel did to Anabia..?
If he really meant that...?

Do vote and let me know about this. Love you guys.. see you with a next update♡♡

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