Chapter 6

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The school was not that bad. Jessie, Kate, and Natalie became my good friends. The only thing that was making me upset was the memories of my dadoo and my home.

Today Sarah was planning to skip school. I was walking in the aisle with Hadi. I didn't know why I was too nervous. I was biting my lips and rubbing my both palms together. I knew it was weird.

"Terrorist, a towel head terrorist " a blonde guy shouted from behind. I heard loud chuckles and other disgusting comments.
My body froze for a while. I felt my eyes pricked from tears. I tried to keep it in but they slipped. This was the first time when someone bullied me for my religion.

I had never experienced this in my country. Undoubtedly, my India is a secular country, I started missing my country, my motherland more.

I silently made my way towards my class wiping off my tears.

Daniel's POV

I was laughing at something with Emily, Kyle, Jace, and Alex. Then my eyes traveled to a walking figure. Then I heard someone shouted "Terrorist... towel head terrorist " I didn't know why but I felt bad and my jaws clenched. I was an atheist but I had never disrespected any religion. She was too coward to reply them back. As she walked past us, I heard Alex gasping. I raised my eyebrows at him.

"Jesus, She is fucking beautiful" Alex sighed. And I wanted to smack his head like why the heck he was complimenting her...
Why do you even care Daniel?
Jealous? Whattt.. no way...

I shrugged my head from those stupid thoughts and we headed towards our classroom.

Anabia's POV

"Anaaaa" Kate screamed in my ears and I rolled my eyes. This girl got no chill. She held my hand and dragged me to their seat.

"Students, please settle down and I want a pin drop silence. I'm going to announce something important " our English teacher, Miss Amie almost yelled.

"So students, next week there is an exhibition in our school and you all have to make a project for the exhibition" she announced and the whole class gasped.

"You have to work on a particular topic with your partner, so here is a list, I'm going to announce the name of students and their partners" she fixed her glasses and picked the list.

"Kyle Anderson and Jessie Brown" I looked at Jessie. She was blushing.
Seriously girl??? She had a secret crush on him.

Kate and Natalie nudged Jessie and she slapped their hand. Now I was sure.

"Kate Bell and Natalie Johnson " they squealed and hugged each other.

Now I was wondering about my partner.

"Daniel and Emily Wood" my eyes automatically traveled to them. Emily kissed his cheeks. It felt like someone had shredded my heart.
Why this is bothering you Anabia?

"Anabia Waqar and Shuzaat Khan" and my heart dropped. A boy?... I never had any guy friends.

"Guys you need to sit with your partner for the rest of the week," Miss Amie said rolling her eyes.
I think she loves rolling her eyes.

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