Chapter 22

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Anabia's POV

My Wife... my wife... my wife...

His voice kept repeating over and over in my head. The jerk aka Daniyal Murtaza took a stand for me. He went against his family for me..??

He even left his home for me..?
I'm sure this is a dream. I knew he hates me with all his guts then why he did this for me. Millions of thoughts were running in my mind and deep inside my heart was jolting.

I silently packed some stuff that I had brought from India.
I dragged my suitcase downstairs.

"Don't go, Ana.. you 're my favorite sister.. who would cook for me now?" Hadi hugged me and cried.  My eyes were full of tears. I was gonna miss this boy. I looked at Sarah...she was crying too.

"I can't believe this... please stop Daniel.. " she sobbed in Daniyal's arm.

"Sarah.. dad doesn't need me..we will meet in school " he wiped her tears.

"But we can't live without you Daniel... and Ana " Hadi whined. 

"I promise..I'll visit for you guys," Daniyal said with a sad smile.

Guilt filled in me.. Daniyal had to leave his house... his family for me..?
I was a bad omen for him.

He drove us to a small building. He didn't even bother to lift my suitcase.
Jerk... I muttered under my breath.  Okay... I learned some swearing...

After exiting from the elevator he stopped in front of a door. He unlocked the door and I followed him. It was a small apartment with a living room, a bedroom, and a kitchen. 
There was only a couch and television in the living room. The apartment was welcoming and homely. 

"This is what I could afford now," he said with a little scoff.

"You made me homeless " he scrunched his face.

"I didn't ask you to do this for me" I snapped back and he sent me a glare.

"Never think that I did this for you... I did just for my mom, and I hate you... you destroyed my life... but unfortunately, I hate Maria more than you... " he spoke venomously and I controlled my tears which were willing to fall.

"You can shift your belongings to the bedroom but you have to sleep in the living room" he snorted rolling his body on the couch.
Like I was dying to sleep in his bedroom...hunh...

"And I can't afford maid... so you have to do all chores," he said seething my face. I nodded.
Typical Indian Men...  he's not even an Indian but his roots belong to India. 

After taking a long nice shower, I  walked to the kitchen. It was my bad that there was only one bathroom. Thank God Daniyal was sleeping on the couch. I prepared spaghetti... though I was not a master in cook but I had some skills in cooking.  After setting the table, I went to him.

"Daniyal.. wake up.." I called his name but he had a heavy sleep. I had no other choices left...I gently shook his shoulders.
"Daniyal " No answer.
Ugh... I harshly shook his shoulders.

"What the fuck " he groaned and rubbed his eyes. 
Should I say that he was looking damn hot? Wth Anabia.. what has gotten into you...control your hormones...

"I made dinner... " I said lowering my gaze.

"Uh..huh... Okay.. but don't dare to fucking touch me again" he roared and I looked at him with astonishment.  Like I was willing to touch him...

"This is dinner " he almost yelled seeing spaghetti. 

"I thought you'll like it" I bit my lips. I'm damn sure one day my lips will disappear if I kept biting my lips.

"I don't like spaghetti duh..." he frowned but took a spoon in his mouth.

"I can cook something else if you want " I was already feeling guilty that he had to suffer all this just for me.

He rolled his eyes at me and silently finished his dinner.  After doing dishes I took a pillow and blanket and laid down on the couch. It was uncomfortable to sleep here.. the whole night I was shifting myself uncomfortably...

My eyes opened from the sound of my alarm. I quickly rushed to the bathroom.  But the bedroom door was closed.
This guy knew that there is only one bathroom.

"Daniyal... open the door" I shouted from the top of my lungs and banged the door.

The door opened with a click and he was standing there with messy hairs.
"What the fuck..who woke this early " he snarled.

"It's time for my prayer " I replied and ran to the bathroom. After doing my ablution, I spread the prayer rug on the floor.

"You are praying there" he rolled his eyes.

"Yes..cuz there was a little space in the living room," I said with a smile and started praying.  After persuing my prayer... I looked at him. He was staring at me... I shifted uncomfortably and opened my hands for dua.

"Why do you guys pray.. isn't it weird," he said with a loud sigh.

"What's wrong in praying... we should be grateful to our God for this life " I replied simply.

"You still want to thank your God. really...? He took your parents, your grandpa, your home from you... You had to marry at such a young age to the person who hates you...and now He made you almost homeless " he said scrutinizing my face.

I turned my face towards him and replied to him.
"You saw... He took my parents but He left my caring grandpa for me... and before calling him, He made a permanent stay for me.. and you know what... WE BELONG TO HIM AND ONE DAY WE HAVE TO RETURN TO HIM... so why should I be upset when he took his belonging "

He looked at me with shock.
"And see, He softened the heart of the person who hates me with all his guts... isn't this miracle?? That you stood for that  girl whom you hate the most...shouldn't I be grateful to him?" I completed my sentence with a small smirk and walked to the kitchen leaving him behind speechless.

I quickly made some sandwiches and tea. I packed my tiffin. After breakfast, we hopped in his car as from now on he was going to be my ride.

As I reached my locker I felt two arms wrapped around my waist. Before I could understand anything I was pushed into my locker.

My eyes widened when I saw who was him..."Aidan".

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