Chapter 12

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After a few days, I became normal.  Whenever he saw me, he ignored me... so did I.

Jessie and Kyle apologized to me and I forgave them. I just didn't want to keep grudges against anyone.

I got detention again cuz I was late.  I was bending on my books when a voice interrupted me.

"Hey" it was Shuzaat, I gave him a weak smile.

"Detention....?" He laughed.

"I was late..." I made a frown face.

"Eh.. and I was using the phone in the classroom " he laughed.

We settled down on our seats and chit chat a little.

"Uhmm" he cleared his throat.

"Huh " I raised my eyebrows to him.

"Uh...uhmm... I was thinking... can we go somewhere.... like on a coffee...or.. lunch" he said rubbing his temple nervously.
He was asking for a date...

"" I didn't know how to tell him that I couldn't make this...

"Hey I know... you're religious...and this is wrong for you but I'm not asking in that way...I mean we can go out like friends " he said nervously.
Thank God

"Yeah... sure " I smiled.

"After school..?" He asked me.


We got in his car. He stopped the car in front of a small but nice restaurant.  We got our seats and we ordered coffee and some snacks. We started talking about studies,  hobbies, and careers.  He was really a nice guy... a dreamy guy, a perfect guy... I was laughing heartily.  I just got a nice friend. 

My phone buzzed, it was a text from Jessie...

Jessie: where are you Ana, you reached home..?

Me: Naah...actually...

Jessie: Are you okay...God...where are you...

Me: Hey...I'm fine...I'm just on a coffee with Shuzaat...he'll drop me.

Jessie: Oh my God... you are on a date... you didn't tell us...bitch...

Me: It was nothing like this...

Jessie: I'll cya tomorrow bitch...enjoy...

Seriously...this girl was just...

I put my phone back in my pocket. After spending some beautiful hours with Shuzaat, I was feeling better. We headed towards his car.

Daniel's POV

"LMAO, your cousin is dating some hot guy but she looks so naive like a five yo kid" Jace chuckled.

"What the fuck... which cousin..?" I asked annoyingly.

"Anabia Waqar...look I got her pictures with this guy Shuzaat Khan. They look like a real couple " Jace sent me pictures of Anabia. She was in a fancy restaurant with the same guy.

"It's her life... why the fuck you are taking an interest " I scowled but deep inside I was frowning.  I didn't know what type of feeling it was...but I just hate that guy...
Cuz he is flirting with my wife...
My wife ..?? Wow... your wife... and what about your hot pretty girlfriend..?? Why do you even care about her so much..?

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