Chapter 25

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Daniyal started ignoring me... we rarely talked, he mostly spent his time with his friends... and I thought that he started to care about me... lol... stupid me.

I made Lasagna for dinner and now I was waiting for him. My belly was grumbling. The aroma of food was distracting me. I glanced at the clock... it was 10 pm. I couldn't take this anymore... I did my dinner and dishes and walked to the bedroom. I sat on the bed and started looking at his belongings.  I knew it's wrong to touch them without his permission but I was curious to know about him. I saw a black diary. 
Don't touch it... don't touch it...

I opened it ignoring the voice of my conscious. It was an old diary... I started flipping its pages. A photo fell from the diary.  I stared at the photo... God knows how long.  It was s picture of a beautiful woman. I guessed it was her mom as their features were the same.  Her head was covered with a peach color scarf and her lips had the most beautiful smile. Daniyal was a carbon copy of his mom...except he had black eyes like me and his mom had honey-brown eyes. 

"What the fuck are you doing " I was startled by the voice and tilted my head. Daniyal was standing there glaring at me.

"Uh..umm" nothing came out from my mouth.

"How dare you to touch my stuff" he roared and my heart thumped...

He held my wrist and squeezed them harshly... I felt a little pain in my wrist... I glanced at him..he was looking mad. He pushed me to the wall and pinned me against it. He was totally different from the caring Daniyal... he became the old Daniyal. He was fuming from anger. My eyes pricked from tears... his eyes got softened as he saw my tears.  He left my hand and walked to the washroom. 
What's wrong with this guy... he was bipolar duh...

I was sleeping peacefully when I heard a knock on the door. I knew Daniyal was already in the bedroom then who is there. I started reciting Aytal Kursih and those four Quls. I heard footsteps coming towards me... I clutched my heart and hid my body in a blanket. The footsteps were getting closer to me. He pulled the blanket from me... I gasped and tilted my head... it was Aidan... I tried to scream but he shut my mouth by placing his hard palm. He shot me a death glare and started moving towards me... he was holding a knife in his hand... he chuckled evilly and moves towards me. He stabbed a knife in my stomach... the blood started dripping from my stomach... he climbed on top of me..and started his dirty actions... I called Daniyal with full force... but he didn't listen... I kept calling him.

Daniel's POV

I was in a deep slumber when I heard some loud noises coming from the living room. I shrugged my head thinking that maybe it was my illusion.  I tried to sleep ...but the voice was piercing my ears.. it felt like someone was calling my name... someone was crying... who was in the living room? Anabia.... this hit my mind and I ran towards the living room. Anabia was lying on the couch with her eyes closed, screaming my name and squirming and fighting in the air.
So she was having a nightmare... I rushed to her and shook her.

"Please don't kill me... Aidan.." she screamed and squirmed.

She was having nightmares cuz of Aidan... I won't spare that jerk.

As I touched her shoulder she jerked my hands away and again screamed.

"Anabia... it's me... Daniyal...Daniyal " I shook her and she opened her eyes... sweat was dripping from her forehead.  She stopped screaming and looked at me in disbelief.

"Yes... I'm here baby "

She pulled me closer and hugged me tightly as her life depends on it only. The heart inside my chest skipped a beat. I started caressing her back.  She sobbed in my arms... her tears started wetting my chest.
I realized...I was shirtless.

" was just a dream.. bad dream... I'm here" I consoled her.

But her tears had no end...
"Please stay..." she said in her tears.

The couch wasn't enough for the two of us. Even it was smaller for Anabia... God knows how she slept there... I never noticed it...fuck there wasn't even an A.C.
Was I some ruthless husband??

I carried her in bridal style to the bedroom. I laid down beside her. She was sleeping... I draped a blanket over us...I looked at her face.. her face was covered with tears. 
Fuck...I can't see her tears...

My gaze traveled to her wrist... there was a red fresh bruise... she had such sensitive skin...I realized that I was the one who caused this bruise... the guilt overwhelmed me.

I was staring at her beautiful face... she snuggled closer to me and wrapped her hands around my torso.
Only if she knew what she was doing...

My hands automatically draped around her waist. Her face was lying on my chest... we were cuddling each other like a real couple.  Well, it was the first time when I cuddled with someone... cuddling was not my type of thing...but it felt so damn good.

Anabia's POV

My eyes opened as I felt the heavyweight on my waist. I looked around... God, I was in the bedroom but I squirmed as I saw the sleeping figure beside me. We were cuddling each other as our lives depend on this only.
I couldn't it was me who was on his side... I knew it was my worst habit of cuddling anything... but I never thought even in my dreams that one day I would cuddle him.

But wait..what I was doing in his room??? I was in the living room then I heard a knock...
The nightmare...?
I probably woke up him from my screams and he was forced to carry me there.  I gasped as I realized that he was shirtless... phewww... I averted my gaze from his bare my heart was racing...I  unwrapped his hands from my waist and fixed my dress. I tried to look only at his face ... I gazed at his beautiful face.... he had not only beautiful eyes... damn his eyelashes were more beautiful... his messy black hairs... I remembered it felt so soft... I touched it when he was drunk... my eyes traveled to his lips... I swallowed the lumps formed in my throat... God knows what had gotten into me... I pecked his cheeks... as I realized what I did...  I blushed... I stood from the bed and ran to the washroom.  I looked at myself in the mirror but my heart was jolting.  Did I just peck him...?

Thank God he was sleeping...
I stripped my dress and sat under the shower.

Hello lovely people... how are you..? I just want to write more about DANIBIA... lol...  I just shipped them like this...what do you guys think about this...?? Let me know...
Take care of yourself until we meet with a new update.
Bbye ♡

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