Chapter 28

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Anabia's POV

I didn't visit him in the hospital.. cuz I didn't know if he wanted to see me or not...Who knows that there... I would end on crying leaving millions of questions for them. As I saw him my heartbeats stopped. I saw him after five days. He was looking pale, weak, and disturbed. His presence gave me a weird comfort. I tried to help him but he was frowning at me. He didn't even want to look at you... and you fell in love with him...

I walked to the kitchen to cook soup for him. He was in a peaceful slumber when I shook him.
He looked annoyed.

" You must be starving," I said lowering my gaze. Heck... I couldn't look at his face directly. He made me nervous.

"I've no appetite.." he replied curtly and closed his eyes.

"But you have to.." I rolled my eyes and helped him to sit there.

"Take it" I handed him the bowl of soup. He silently started feeding himself but he was spilling on his clothes. I sighed and started feeding him.
He was looking so cute.

"Did you eat?" He asked me.
He's caring about me...
Stop it...

I shook my head and he raised his eyebrows. "Why"

"I'll eat after feeding you" I gave him my weak smile.

"I thought you were in school this time," he said glancing at the wall clock.

How could I go to school when my husband was lying on the hospital bed.

"Actually... I didn't go to school since your accident " I replied.

"Why," he asked again.
God, he is making me nervous.
Cuz I love you idiot and how could I study when you were in such a miserable state.

"Cuz... I didn't have any ride " I said looking into his eyes. There was a hint of annoyance in his eyes but soon his eyes became emotionless.

After giving him his pills, I came back to the kitchen and did the dishes. I ate my Russian Salad as I had not had much appetite.

When I came to the bedroom to check him, I found him scrolling through his phone.
"Daniyal... I need to clean your bandage " I said in a low tone.

"Ohh.. but you have to take off my shirt.. are you sure you can do it," he said normally but I could see a small smirk forming on his face.

"Umm.. yes.." yes cuz I had no choice.

"Seem you're so excited " he joked and I gaped my mouth. How could he talk about this so easily?

I came closer to him and unbuttoned his shirt but my fingers were trembling from nervousness. My cheeks heated up as I felt his gaze on my face and my heart was doing seizure... I could feel the hotness in the room...yet A.C. was on.

"This is the first time when you're touching any guy right..?" He made me nervous again.

"Daniyal...please..." I frowned and took off his shirt. As my gaze traveled to his bare body... My cheeks flushed from embarrassment. I swallowed the lumps formed in my throat.

Daniel's POV

It was fun to make her nervous and flustered. Her cheeks turned to crimson red when she blushed. Her fingers were shaking when she was unbuttoning my shirt. I made her nervous again. She was the type of girl with whom you just didn't want to sleep... you wanted to spend your whole life with her. As my body was exposed she looked flustered.
She was staring at the floor.

"Are you done checking me.. now clean my wounds " I smirked again.

"I wasn't checking.." she replied in her usual low tone.

"Ohh really... " I smirked again.

Her cold fingers touched my bare body and I got tingles in my whole body. She was cleaning my body but my body was on fire. She applied bandages and looked at me. I stared at her beautiful eyes. Our mouths were inches apart. My eyes traveled to her soft pink lips. I leaned into her and started brushing my lips to hers. It was the second time when my lips touched hers. First time... I was mad but still, I felt a lot of things...yet she didn't kiss me back. Again this was happening. She widened her eyes but the next second she moved her lips in rhythm. Her lips were so soft... I deepened my kiss and pulled her closer so that she was sitting between my legs. She wrapped her hands around my neck and my tongue was exploring her mouth. We parted for air...She was blushing... She ran from the room. And I was sitting there stunned..this kiss was something for me..this kiss was everything for me. I had slept and kissed with a lot of girls but I had never felt this weird feeling. This was different and definitely the best kiss of my life.

Anabia's POV

He just kissed me?? Daniyal Murtaza just kissed me..? And I kissed him back...I blushed again when our intimidating moment flashed on my mind. So he stole my first kiss.

You're overreacting Anabia... every day he kisses new girls... it was nothing for him... it was pretty normal for him.. and here you're thinking too much.. he even sleeps around different girls.. this kiss means nothing to him. It was just a mistake for him... and maybe he is regretting it now...

I sighed and shrugged my head from his thoughts. I was sleeping in the living room..though he might be needing me. But I had no guts to face him.

I laid down on the couch and once again I started thinking about him...


I took his care in all possible ways... Sarah kept visiting here. Though his friends wanted to meet him but he made an excuse. Now he was fine...he never talked about that kiss. Neither he tried to do anything else... that kiss was definitely his mistake.

Today after twenty days of leave we were going to school. I knew everyone would ask me millions of questions that why I wasn't coming to school when Daniyal was just my cousin. Even Sarah was going to school daily... I didn't know what I was going to answer.

They kissed.... they are getting close awwww... I just want to finish this story soon cuz I'm so excited about the scene when they both will confess their love. But I had a different attachment with this book. I'm going to miss my DANIBIA 😭😭

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