Chapter 30

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I was in the cafeteria with my girls and Sarah. We were gossiping and giggling at some silly topics.

"Hello girls " I tilted my head, it was Shuzaat with his most charming smile that can drool anyone. He was wearing a black shirt with blue jeans. His hands were tugged in his pocket. I shouldn't say but he was looking damn handsome. Astagfirullah...
It was wrong to check any non-mahram guy.

Now I got why Kate had such a huge crush on him. But I was so happy for Kate as now she had moved on. She was happy with Chase. I glanced at Kate she was smiling casually...
My eyes traveled to Sarah... I could see the tint of pink color on her cheeks. She was blushing...?? Shuzaat...and Sarah...?

Sarah was not a good Muslim but she was the nicest person. They would make a perfect pair together. Maybe I was Overthinking but they would be a cute couple. I looked at Shuzaat, he was glancing at Sarah.

"I gotta go.. I've some work at home " I stood from my chair and looked at my wristwatch.

"Home...oooohhhh " the bitches started again...

Did I just swear??... God... how could I swear...

"I'm coming along," Sarah said shoving her phone in her pocket.

"Bye guys... see yaa tomorrow " we waved back to them and moved to our locker.

"Sarah... " I called her.

"Hmm?" She said taking her bag from the locker.

"How is Shuzaat," I asked maliciously.

"Wh..whatt... I mean why are you asking " her cheeks flared up but she acted normally.

"I mean... why are you blushing just by hearing his name " I teased her

"I'm not blushing..." she started touching her cheeks.

"You like him.?" I raised my eyebrows.

"Nooo never..." she replied curtly.

"Okay... I thought... I would ask about you from Shuzaat but..leave it" I sighed and swung the straps of my bag on my shoulder.

"Ummm....anaaaaaa... you know you're a bitchhhhh" she pouted.

"Language Sarah..." I rolled my eyes.

"Okay... I like him.. since... I saw him the first time in our school" she bit her lips nervously and she was gazing at the floor. Her cheeks were red from blushing.  Girls and their blush.

"Awww" I pulled her into a tight hug ... she gasped for air.

"I'm soooo happpy " I squealed like Kate.

"Let's go now " she laughed and we headed towards her car.

The driver dropped me at my apartment. I bid goodbye to Sarah and entered my apartment.

I gasped as I saw Daniyal was cooking *correction needed* trying to cook.  He knew he was a terrible cook but still, he was in the kitchen. What did he think of himself..? A magician..?

I threw my bag on the carpet and took a bottle from the fridge. I gulped all the water and found Daniyal was staring at me.
"What are you cooking " I arched my eyebrows.

"Umm..pasta.. white sauce pasta " he replied chopping vegetables.  Seriously the shape of his chopped vegetables was terrible.

"If you want...I can cook... I don't want to be sick again" I joked.  Well, it was kinda surprising for me too that I was joking around Daniyal. I used to be afraid of him. Things are different now Anabia.

"No thanks... you can take a rest " he smiled cheekily.
What's up with him and his smile..?

I took a shower and offered my prayer.  Now I was starving.  Hoping that pasta would be ready I entered the kitchen.  Daniyal's special pasta was nowhere. 

"Is the food ready... " I asked him. He turned to me with frown expressions.
He was looking adorable.

"I should have listened to you" he sighed and showed me his sticky pasta with burnt vegetables. He overcooked pasta and vegetables.

"Well...I would love to eat this " I didn't want to waste his efforts.

"No... this looks like shit " he wrinkled his nose.

" looks delicious " I snatched the bowl from his hand and put a big spoonful of pasta. It was not bad at all.
"It's good you can try, " I told him putting another spoon in my mouth.

"I told you so... I knew I can cook " he smiled cheekily like a baby.

My smile grew wider and my heart flutters a little.
Damn...I fell in more love with him...

After doing dishes, we sat on the sofa as he wanted to watch Netflix.

"Daniyal " he was picking a movie when I called him.

"Yeah" he replied without glancing at me.

"Why did you tell everyone about us," I said clutching my heart. I was ready to hear any reply from him.

"You didn't like this " Now his full attention was on me.

"Naah...I mean yess.. but my friends were thinking that there is something between us.. they don't know about that stupid marriage.." I bit my lips and replied to him nervously.

"There is nothing between us??" He looked directly into my eyes and moved closer to me. My heart was racing.

"Uh...Ummm...idk" I swallowed the lumps. His cologne was driving me crazy.

"Really...? You don't know..? You don't like me? " he said and held my hand. I felt tingling in my whole body. My nerves were on fire and my heart was jolting.

"Umm...I like you..." I blurted out and closed my eyes. He sighed and lifted my chin. 

"And I love you," he said looking into my eyes and I got weird butterflies no I got unicorns and horses in my stomach. My heart skipped millions of beats. I was staring at him with my eyes widened.
Daniyal Murtaza said he loves me??
This can't be true...this must be a dream.  I pinched myself and he chuckled.

"Look at your face...relax.. why are you so flustered. This is not a dream baby" he said closing the gap between us.

"I can't believe" I batted my eyelashes.

"You're weirdo.. but heck yess I fell in love with you. I used to think "All girls are the same" but you're different Bia. I love your presence around me. I love your modesty, I love that black color of your large eyes when you become surprised. I love the color of your cheeks when you blush around me, I love your soft voice, I love when you call me Daniyal ... Bia... I really love you... you're the second most important woman in my life. I want to kill everyone who ever dared to look at you. I'm so lucky that I have you in my life as my life partner. A year ago... I never knew that one day... I fell in love with this nerd whom I used to hate most " he said in a single breath and each word was repeating over and over in my head. My heart was exploding with happiness and love. I could never think that one day he'll confess his day he'll love a girl like me. He rested our forehead together so that our nose was touching.

"I love you too Daniyal " I whispered and the next second I found my lips were brushing to his. We were kissing each other once again... with more love..  with more passion... with more happiness.

I found the love of my life...

So here is their confession....whoo.
I hope you'll like it. And what do you think about Shuzaat and Sarah..? SHUZARAH... lol.. ik I'm weird about shipping... but you can suggest me good shipping tho...
I would love to know about your reviews.  Please don't forget to vote for this chapter. 

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