Chapter 36

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Wanna dedicate this chapter to jiggykothari

Daniel's POV

"Biaa" I shook her... she couldn't leave me like this...

"Open your eyes... Bia " my heart stopped beating when I saw her closed eyes.

Her body stopped movement...
"Bia" I cried and pulled her closer to me. She had a cut on her hand.. she was physically harassed. The blood was dripping from her body.. my hands were covered with her blood.
This can't be happening.

I carried her in bridal style and laid down on the car's seat and started the car.  The cops had already arrested that bitch Lily... I just couldn't believe that she would go to this extent for me. She hurt my life... now my life my Bia was lying on the hospital bed.

" is she " I rubbed my red eyes and asked to doctor who just came outside from the room.

"Daniel..her condition is very critical... we can't say anything about her. She is badly injured... her ribs are broken and there is an internal injury in her head... " Doctor said patting my shoulder and my heart stopped beating.

Sarah, Shuzaat, Hadi, Maria, and Dad were crying continuously which was suffocating me. Today there was no one to soothe me, to console me, to assure me that she would be fine.  I remembered when dad was in the hospital... Anabia's words gave me a different strength.. but now there was no one to give me strength.

I walked outside the hospital and started walking until my legs became weak. There was only darkness everywhere.  I realized that I was lost. I saw a light coming from a place. I moved my steps towards the light. When I got closer... I found there was a small mosque and few people were praying. Hesitantly I stepped inside, there was a different peace in the mosque.

"What happen dear," a middle-aged man asked me. He was wearing a white long thobe and had a white beard.

"She is leaving me  " a tear fell from my eyes.

"Are you Muslim?" He hesitantly asked.

Was I Muslim...? I was an atheist...
"Yes.." I nodded.

"Come and pray to him.. he'll listen to you" he patted my shoulder.

"But He won't listen to me...I'm not a good Muslim," I said nonchalantly.

"He listens to heart... He'll listen to you " he gave me a warm smile.

Anabia's voice rang in my ears. She said the same words to me.
"But I don't know how to pray, " I said awkwardly.

"Come... I will teach you " he held my hand and I followed him.

He taught me ablution and he taught me some rules of praying.  After praying two rakaat.. he asked me to make dua...
I made a dua and tears were running down my cheeks. Who says men don't cry. Real men do cry.. they cry in front of their Lord. I cried for everything... I prayed for her. I felt a different peace in my heart. Now... I was holding different hopes with me. I knew He would never let me down. He would never disappoint me. I had accepted that God does exist. He is everywhere... He is watching you... He is listening to you.

I reached to hospital and saw everyone was praying. The doctor was doing her surgery.. this was the most difficult moment for us. Each moment was torturous and agonizing and everyone was on the edge of crying. But I was silent... I had faith in Him. I knew he will return her to me.

"Doctor.. what happens.." we rushed towards the door as the doctor appeared.

"She had a severe injury in her head. We managed to stop her internal bleeding..but.." he stopped for a while and looked at us.

"But what.." I held my breath.

"We did everything but she slipped into a coma" he gave us an apologetic look.


My heart stopped beating.. this can't be true ...

I exited the hospital and drove to our house. I came to our room and touched her belongings.  Everything was the same in the room. Her clothes, her locket, her books, her hijab, and her prayer rug.  I picked her hijab and inhale her scent. A tear slipped from my eyes. I spread the prayer rug on the floor and started praying.  After praying I laid down on my bed hugging her clothes. I could feel her presence.. her smell around me.


It's been one year.. she was still in a coma.  Doctors and my family had lost hope.. they tried to help me to move on. But I didn't want to move on. How could I lose hopes when God had given me hope. I knew one day she would wake up and everything would be fine and we would live happily.

There was not a single day when I hadn't think about her... I missed her so much... I graduated from school. The last year of school was suffocating and most difficult for me but my friends and family had supported me a lot. Lily did suicide in prison.  She deserved this.

Sarah was engaged to Shuzaat. I started going to uni and my office to learn about business. Maria was a great mom now. I stopped drinking, partying, and stopped doing all haram stuff. I was a practicing Muslim and I was a better Muslim, a better person.

She made me a better person... she always wanted to see me like this but she wasn't able to see me. I visited the hospital daily...I loved holding her hands and talking about my all problems to her for hours.  I spent my all nights in the hospital with her. I shared my all happiness, my all problems with her... Maybe she was listening to me. I knew one day everything would be fine. 
I have complete faith in the Almighty.

I still thought about the day when my dad called me and said that he had found a wife for me... I was pissed off... I hated her with my every fiber... I wanted to get rid of her. But little did I know that one day I would unexpectedly fell in love with the unexpected person. I had never thought that one day she'll become the reason for my life.. it was unexpected.   The Unexpected Love...

So.... thiss waass the last chapter... But hold on... guys..
An epilogue is waiting for you...
Tell me about your views on this chapter.. do you guys want to see Anabia in the epilogue??

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