Chapter 5

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I want to dedicate this chapter to The_busy_writer_me .
She supported me a lot♡

"Hey, she is wearing a towel on her head," a blonde who was standing with Lily said and they all chuckled.

"You are so funny," another girl said and tried to pull my hijab. I couldn't stop my tears and now my kohl was smudged all over my face.

"Look at her, she is a crying baby" they all laughed in sync.

"What the fuck you all are doing " someone yelled from behind and I looked at her. She was the same girl who helped me with my locker.

"None of your business duh" Lily scrunched her nose and glared at her.

"You were bullying her. Let me tell you if you guys don't leave her alone or ever tried to mess up with her, don't forget who I am" that girl said with an evil grin.

Lily and her minions huffed and left the class.  I watched them with shock.

"Are you okay" the same girl touched my cheeks and I nodded wiping my tears.

"Come and sit with me" she held my hand and took me to her seat.  There were already two girls. She stopped in front of them, they raised their brows and looked at me.

"This is our new friend.. girls " she spoke in a chirpy tone and they nodded her head.

"But what is her name" a girl with grey hair wiggled her brows together.

"Ohh I forgot to ask, by the way, I'm Jessie,  she is Natalie and she is Kate " she laughed a little and introduced them to me.

"I'm Anabia " I almost whispered.

"Are you new here? Where are you from, Pakistan?" Natalie and Kate bombarded questions at me.

"I'm from India and this is my first day in school," I said awkwardly.

"Wow, an Indian friend " Jessie hugged me.

"Can we please call you Ana?" Kate asked hesitantly and I nodded.  I guess they all like Ana cuz Anabia was way long for them.

"You are beautiful " Natalie squeezed my cheeks and I blushed a little.

"You are so shy, so naive " Kate giggled.

"Stop it, girls, you are making her awkward " Jessie stopped them and we all settled down on our seats.

"By the way, if you don't mind. Can I ask that  what are you wearing on your head?" Kate asked hesitantly.

"Umm...this is called a hijab. Muslims have to wear this " I replied in my low tone.

"There are many Muslims in school but I guess you are the strict one,  I mean different " Natalie passed me a smile and I realized that she was right.  I was the only hijabi in the whole damn school.

"Well, you moved here with your parents?" Jessie whispered in my ears as the teacher was already in the class.

"No,  actually.. my parents died in a car accident and a week ago I lost my grandpa, I moved to London to my uncle, " I told her in detail and she squeezed my hand tried to comfort me.

"You are so innocent Ana be aware of the assholes of school but you don't have to worry about Lily and her gang as now you are my friend " she smiled a little and I looked at her with surprise.

"My dad is the principal of this school " she chuckled and my mouth opened from the shock.

Now I got why Lily and her gang left me without saying anything.

"Lily is a slut,  she had slept with almost all the boys of the school and now she is after the hottest dude of the school" I guess Jessie loved talking as she couldn't keep her mouth shut.

"Ohh," I said hiding my bored tone.

"Why are you so late Emily" Mr. Paul, our science teacher growled at the girl who was standing at the door.
She(Emily) shrugged her shoulders and gave him a disgusted look.

"She is Emily, hottest and the most popular girl of school and she is Lily's biggest enemy as she is dating Lily's crush, the school's hottest dude " Jessie couldn't stop herself to speak again and I looked at Emily.

She had a milky complexion with long wavy brown hair and large blue eyes.  I shouldn't say but she was also dressed up like a doll. Her face was covered with a lot of makeup and her dress ended to her mid-thigh. Undoubtedly, she was hot and pretty.

"But Lily has no-fault, He is so hottttt," Kate said closing her eyes maybe she was imagining that boy.

"Yes, he isssss " Natalie followed her. I guess he was the crush of every girl in the school.

"Come on sweetheart " I heard a deep husky voice of a guy whose arms were wrapped around Emily's waist.  Mr. Paul clenched his fist but didn't say anything. 

"Look here he is... Daniel " Kate and Natalie almost exclaimed and my heart missed a beat.

Daniel... Daniyal... my husband.

I knew he didn't like me then why I was getting upset to see him with another girl. I tried to hold my tears.
Ugh... I was a crying baby

Daniyal and Emily entered the classroom followed by three handsome boys. I quickly averted my gaze as it was haram to stare at any non-mahram.


I was silently doing my lunch when Sarah ran towards me and pulled me into the usual bone-crushing hug.

"How was the day," she asked jumping.  This girl was insane but God I like this girl.

"You know each other" Jessie furrowed her brows to us.

"Yep, she is my sister... I mean cousin.  We live in the same house " Sarah told them then she got called by her friends so she waved at me and ran outside.

"Was she kidding me... You are the cousin of Daniellll and you share the same house  " Kate screamed in my ears and I was scared a little from her reaction.

"Umm... yess," I said awkwardly.

"Wow, you are lucky... a hot cousin.  You got a hot brother " Natalie giggled.

"Wait she is a Muslim and I guess you Muslims can marry their  cousin, right?" Jessie asked me looking straight into my eyes.

"Eh,  yes" I slurred a little.

"Wow, you can try on him" Kate squealed and hugged me.

"But she is too shy," Natalie said and they all laughed.

And I was wondering how would they react when they would know that Daniyal is my husband. 

I hope they won't find out as I didn't want to let anyone know about this forced marriage which meant nothing to Daniyal and me.

Nothing to you? Seriously...??

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