Chapter 20

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It's been eight months in London. And I adjusted myself. I was no longer the old stuttering Anabia.  Now I was ready to retort back anyone who ever tried to mess with me.

The one thing I didn't learn yet was swearing..and Allah I don't wanna swear ever.  Astagfirullah

Daniyal never tried to interact with me. We were like strangers. We both were busy in our own lives. Daniyal stopped dating but he didn't quit his bad habits. Now he was doing only one night stand with random girls.  I stopped thinking about him. I guessed we were not meant to be together.  Maybe one day when we would become adults we could divorce each other. As it was pretty senseless to be stuck in an unwanted relationship.

Kyle and Jessie were now dating and Chase was the caring boyfriend of Kate. I became closer to Shuzaat and my girls. And now my all focus was on my studies.  I just wanted good grades in year eleven. 

I looked at the wristwatch and sighed. Our chemistry practical was about to start and Shuzaat was nowhere. He was my partner in the chemistry practical.  In physics, I have Natalie and in biology a boy from my class Aidan. He was sometimes nice and sometimes a jerk.

"Where were you Shuzaat " I rolled my eyes as he stood beside me.

"I got a call from mum, It was important to attend" he explained folding the sleeves of his lab coat.

It was the organic practical and believe me it was the worst. My functional group was different from Shuzaat, how could be it possible when we were given the same organic compound.

After that exhausting practical we ran to the cafeteria and meet the rest of the group. 

"How was the practical?" Jessie arched her eyebrows at us.

"Awesome," I said sarcastically and settled down on the seat. I ordered a veg burger for myself. I always went through veg cuz I wasn't sure that there was halal meat or not.  I munched my burger and my appetite was full. I drank my water and wiped my mouth with tissues. I noticed that everyone was gawking at me.

"What" I rolled my eyes.

"You looked like a hungry monster when you eat" Natalie wrinkled her nose.

"Yes..the monster who was starving for two months lol" Kate giggled and they all followed her.

"Hey...I was hungry.. okay " I said sulkily.

"Tomorrow is a party at my place. You all are invited " Jessie said throwing her head to the back of the chair.

"I should get a new dress," Kate said sluggishly and I glared at her.  This girl was a shopaholic. She just wanted a reason to shop more.

"Me too... so let's go shopping after school," Natalie said in an excited tone.

"Ana are you coming too?" Jessie furrowed her brows at me.

"Naah, practical was exhausting.  I just want some rest. And what is the use of shopping when I don't have to attend the party" I said gazing at my palm. The last time I went to a party at Kate's birthday. A drunk boy was hitting me continuously with her disgusting comments.  He even tried to touch me. Thanks to Kyle who saved me. Kyle was a nice guy unlike his friends Alex, Jace, and Daniel.

And I knew that partying was haram in Islam. Don't think that everything is haram in Islam. We can go to a decent party like a party without drinks, without disgusting people.

"You are boring Ana " Natalie sighed and they all left.

I shoved my stuff in my locker and took the bag from it.
"Let me drop you," Shuzaat said tossing his car keys. Usually, Natalie and Kate were my rides but today they were busy in shopping.

"I can do a cab," I said walking to the aisle.
I didn't find it right to go alone with him.

"You're a cow" he scoffed.

"You called me cow??" I saw him in shock.

"You're a pig" I retorted.

"Little Ana is swearing " he chuckled and I squirmed.
"Pig is not a swearing word " I tried to hide my embarrassment.

"Nevamind...Now come fast" he said running towards his car.

I was about to reach his car when a guy bumped into me.

"You gave me an attack terrorist," he said with a sly smile. His friends who were right behind him started laughing.  My face became red.  I saw Shuzaat coming towards me.

"What's going on here" he almost groaned.

"We were just talking casually .. none of your business," the blonde guy said with a smirk.

"She is my friend," Shuzaat said firmly and the guys were startled and quickly made their way to another side.

"I just wanted to kick their butt but they ran away" Shuzaat gritted his teeth. He was always so caring for me.

"You are behaving like a big brother " I joked. I had always wished that I have a brother or sister. But nothing could happen without Allah's will. I was without parents then wishing for a sibling was a stupid thing.  Though Sarah was like my own sister. Hadi was also a little brother for me.

Honestly, I didn't know how big brothers are. I have read about them in books or seen them in movies until I met Daniyal.  He was too protective of Sarah and Hadi...

"Where are you" Shuzaat waved his palm in front of my eyes as I was lost in my stupid thoughts.

"Umm nothing," I said hopping in his car.

"You know what Anabia, you can call me brother. I would really love to have a sweet sister like you " he said starting his car.
What was he..? Any mind reader...?

"Are you sure?" I let out a small chuckle.

"Hey...I'm serious Ana poo" he pouted.

"I'm on cloud nine right now," I said dusting the fake dust off my clothes.

"But there are only seven clouds " he snapped me.

"Lol..there are seven skies... I'm talking about cloud idiot " I laughed again. 

"Leave it," he said frowning and I enjoyed it.

"How is Daniyal" I knew he asked casually but my face dropped hearing his name.

"As usual the jerk " I sighed.

Only Shuzaat knew my relationship with Daniyal.

"Why are you living this senseless life with him," he said frowning.

"Better not talk about it Shuzaat " I threw my head to the back of my seat and closed my eyes.  It was my weak topic duh.

I climbed off of his car and he waved me back.  As I entered the home I found Maria standing there with her arms crossed around her chest.  Her face had that usual evil smirk.

"Who was that handsome boy," she asked scrutinizing my face.

"None of your damn business Maria " I retorted.  I was no longer that old Anabia who used to stammer or be scared of her. I was more confident.  I climbed the stairs and hopped on my bed.

Hello beautiful readers .. how are you guys?
Okay, this was the usual boring chapter but the next one will be different...I promise...
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