Chapter 33

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Daniel's POV

My world had changed when I got the news. What the heck I said that I won't care even if he died and now It felt like my world was going to end.

I told Anabia that I was leaving for LA but she insisted to come along. Sarah's eyes were red and puffy from crying.  Even Anabia was crying but I didn't cry..  my dad was in ICU hanging between death and life... there was repentance all over my face.  It was my fault.. it was me who hurt him.  Okay, he was never a good father for me but still, he was my father. I was responsible for everything. I would never forgive myself if anything would happen to him.

We rushed to the hospital... Maria was pacing here and there and she was crying.  The first time I noticed that it was her real tears.

The doctor needed to do a CABG of him. It was the most critical moment for him as well as for us.

"Would you forgive me, Daniel... I'm sorry for everything... everything I did to your mom, to you, to your dad, and to Anabia " Maria stood near us and folded her hands together.  There was no fakeness in her eyes and voice.

"Maria... I have already forgiven you.. for the sake of my Allah... I wish Allah also forgives you " Anabia said nonchalantly.

"Daniel...please say something... I would die from suffocation... I was being a bitch but now I want to change myself... " she sobbed and looked at me with hopeful eyes.

It wasn't easy for me to forget everything she did to my mom. Okay, I could forget what she did to me but I couldn't forget that my mom died cuz of her... she became a depressed woman cuz of her...she lost her husband cuz of her.

"Daniyal...please forgive her. Forgiveness makes you a great human. This time we need to think only about the surgery of Uncle instead of these things... please forgive her" Anabia placed her hands on my left shoulder and her eyes held a lot of emotions.

"Okay, Maria... I forgive you for everything but I can't forget..." I said to her nonchalantly and her eyes lighten up.

"Bia" I called her.

"Hmm" she looked at me with all concern and love.

"Don't you think it was all my fault?  He is on this stage cuz of me " I let out a tear fall from my eyes. I had already told her about the phone calls with dad.

"Why do you think it's your fault " she held my hand and gently squeezed them.

"It is my fault...I'm the worst son... I would never forgive myself " I said with a shaky voice.

"It is not your fault Daniyal. This is what Allah wanted.  You ain't looking at the brighter side... this accident made Maria a changed person... this accident made you realize that you love your dad... this accident made you realize your mistake...isn't it enough.. keep your faith alive.. he will be okay " her words hit to my heart. She was right...I should look at its positive side and pray for the best.

You were an atheist Daniel.. remember

"Please do a favor for me... " I looked at her and pressed my lips together.

"Please ask your God to make him fine... I really love him... I need to tell him that he is important to me... I had already lost my I don't wanna lose him" I didn't know from where this thought came.

"I am praying.. already. And Daniyal why won't you himself ask God" she said with a soft smile.

"You think.. he'll listen to my prayer... I'm an atheist remember.." I sighed.

"You were atheist.. but now you believe in Him.. you think that He has the power of everything that's why you asked me to pray " she caressed my cheeks.

I hadn't realized that I started believing in God.  There was something with the Anabia's faith that I couldn't deny... there was a power in her faith and it made me realize that God does exist.

"But why would he listen to my prayers.  I'm not even a proper Muslim... I don't even know how to pray " I almost whispered.

"God sees heart... He doesn't see your way of praying...He is connected to our heart.. and He is merciful...He will forgive you..and He will listen to you" she gave me her pretty smile.

"Thanks," I said genuinely. She was like an angel of my life.

"God...if you're really merciful as Anabia and mom told me .. then please forgive me.. please make my dad fine" I made a small prayer in my heart.

Anabia's POV

It was really surprising and beautiful that he started believing in Allah. Maybe one day he would become a good Muslim.

"Please Allah..don't let his hope fall.. please" I made a prayer in my heart and looked at him... his eyes were closed.. he was really a strong person.  He was acting like a mature guy consoling Sarah and Hadi.  But I knew he was broken from inside.  I knew if something would happen to uncle Afzal he would blame himself... and once again he would question the existence of God.

After a few hours, the door swung open revealing the doctor.

"Doctor.." they all ran to him.

"Congratulation..  the surgery was successful " he patted Daniyal's shoulder.

I instantly thanked Allah and Daniyal gave me a small smile.

It was a boring chapter but I just want to end this book soon.. so only a few chapters are left. Keep supporting me guys...
The_busy_writer_me thanq girl for all the votes and beautiful comments.

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