Chapter 17

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I spent the afternoon with Shane in my lab. Dad was still in the office, as usual. Mum, Jayla and Jason were headed to the Afro Praise centre. There was still a lot to be done.
I decided to stay back today. I wanted to have some time to myself.

I reflected on my spiritual life. I always knew God was real. I believe in Jesus too and in angels and in heaven and in hell. But if God's love is immense, unconditional and greater than any other love, why do bad things happen to good people? Why does he allow bad people to continue to rule and influence others? Can't He like just strike them from heaven?

Why does He help those He wants to and leave others like moi to their fate.?

I stopped believing in God's love for me that day when I cried out to Him from my room, 13 years ago, when no one wanted me, when no one cared. He didn't either.

Shane came down to the lab.
"Hey kid"
"I'm not a kid anymore. I'll be 18 in a few weeks."
"So you're still a kid then." He looked into my eyes and I looked straight into his. I felt a hot sensation rush up my cheeks.
"You look so beautiful when you blush." Shane remarked and I stepped back. Something kept holding me back. When I remained silent, he apologized.
"I'm sorry. I d- didn't mean it that way. N-not saying you're not pretty but you're pretty and I didn't... oh goodness, I'll just leave."
His confusion amused me. I couldn't restrain a chuckle.
"You can stay. I would appreciate some company."

As I went through certain procedures, Shane told me about his life.
"I lived with my family in Michigan. We lived for God, we served him from the depths of our hearts. He was the Lord of our house. I had a younger brother and sister and I loved them dearly. B-but one day, thieves broke into our home. I was away on a night shift. Before the police got there, the robbers not only made away with most of our belongings and valuables but also killed my dad and little brother and raped my younger sister. My mum was rendered paralysed."

I stared dumbfounded at him. I wondered how he was able to stand after what he's been through.
I don't know what I'll do it had been me. In spite of everything, my family's my life and I love all of them dearly and my mum the most.

He continued
"But do you know what kept me going? The love of Christ. It's true in the spur of the moment, I doubted Him; I questioned Him, but He proved to me over and over again that He loved me, that He's always got my back, that He has my best interests at hearts just as Jeremiah 29: 11 puts it.

I went over and hugged him. I could feel his pain. It definitely wasn't easy losing them all at once.

Still wrapped in his embrace, I felt the door open. It was Myles and the look on his face was anything but happy. He cleared his throat slightly and I immediately broke out of Shane's embrace, creating a respectable distance between us.
Myles signaled Shane to leave but he turned a blind eye to it. Myles was just about to lose his cool when I intervened.
"Shane, can you please give us a moment."
He nodded and left the lab.
Almost immediately, Myles lashed out in anger.
"So this was why you weren't answering my calls."
"My phone-
" You were making out with your bodyguard too. Have you really got no shame?!"
Those words pierced through my heart. I was lost for words. Myles took a second look at me and disgusted, he stormed out.
I began to feel numb. I headed to my bedroom, avoiding Shane. I needed some alone time after that outburst.

Ever since the incident with Liam, Myles has been distant. And it was all my fault, for letting my curiosity and desire get the better of me. When I look back now, I'm disgusted by the act. But it's too late now. I can never turn back time.

I know I just shattered the last piece of trust Myles had for me.

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