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A dare for Cutter and Aggro, from
"A dare for Aggro and Cutter to sleep outside with only one blanket but it can only fit one of you under the blanket."

Cutter: But it's so cold outside!

Aggro: *sighs* Fine.

Cutter: Well at least the stars are out.

Aggro: So Who gets the blanket?



Cutter: You can have it.

Aggro: No you.

Cutter: No you.

Aggro: You know what? Fine. I'll take it.

Cutter: Good.

Aggro: *shoves blanket onto Cutter*

Cutter: No this is yours!

Aggro: Nu Uh!

Cutter: Yuh uh!




Cutter: You know what? *takes blanket inside and gives it to Burple* *comes back outside* There. Neither of us can have it.

Aggro: *yawning* But it's so cold!

Cutter: *wraps wings around Aggro* better?

Aggro: *blushing* a little bit, Yeah.

*in the morning*

Winger: Burps? Where'd you get that blanket?

Burple: Hm? Oh I'm not sure.

Summer: Guys! Come see this!

Winger: What are Cutter and Aggro doing outside?

Summer: Who wants to bet it was a dare.

Burple: They're so cute together!

Summer: I agree. Thanks for the dare!

Burple: Maybe that's where this blanket came from.

Winger: Probably. Until next time!

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