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An ask for Summer, from
"(Sorry for all the asks and dares. This is the last one for this recent update. Promise.)
Summer when is your wedding with Winger? He DID ask you to be his mate. Or do dragons have a different way of doing this things. Winger gets to be there, as well as Cutter and Aggro."

Summer: Well that's the thing... it's today.

Burple: I'm so excited!

Leyla: Yes me too!

Leyla and Burple: *squealing, screeching and making other incomprehensible noises*

Summer: 🤨

Cutter: Hey Winger's ready, you guys are on in five!

Leyla: This isn't a movie Cutter.

Stealth: You are still on in five.

Me: Hey guys!

Summer: What are you doing here?

Me: You would think I want to see my OTP get married.

Leyla: OTP!

Burple: OTP!

Me: *laughs* Anyway, don't be nervous.

Summer: Why would I be nervous? There's not really gonna be much of an audience.

Me: That's the thing.... I invited the whole town. Magnus is the only one who didn't show up. Actually.... I didn't even invite him.

Leyla: JACKIE!!

Me: Sorry.

Axel: You guys ok in here?

Leyla: Shouldn't you be in the audience?

Me: No. He's my wedding planning assistant.

Axel: *salutes*

Cutter: The tides have really turned if the dog is ordering the human.


Cutter: *smirks and leaves*

Me: I'm not a dog.

Axel: Yes you are. Who is a good girl?

Me: Stop.

Axel: It is you!

Me: Really?🤩

Axel: You are totally a dog.

Me: Heck you.

Cutter: Seriously guys it's time.

Me: Alright Sum, you're up!

Stealth: You can do it!

Summer: Ok. Just breathe. *steps out of the Roost*

Winger: *blushes*

Axel: Alright Leyla, Stealth, and Burple your reserved seats are there.

Burple: Thank you.

Axel: I don't know what you said but ok!

(Duggard, Elbone, Rocky, Marena, Hannahr, And all the other townspeople are there. Except Magnus)

Me: We are gathered here today to celebrate the coming together of two of our amazing friends, Summer the Fastfin and Winger the Swiftwing.

Crowd: *claps*

Dak: *comes up with the rings*

Axel: And now, for the questions that everyone wants to know the answers to.

Me: Summer, do you take Winger as your mate?

Summer: I do!

Me: Winger, do you take Summer as your mate?

Winger: I definitely do!

Me: *trys not to laugh* Ok then!

Axel: You May now kiss the bride!

Winger and Summer: *kisses*

Everyone: *cheers*

Aggro: *nuzzles into Cutter*

Me: 😏

Axel: Ok fine.

Me: Really?

Axel: Yep. Go ahead.

Me: 😁 *plays cotton eyed joe at full volume*

Stealth: I love this song!

Winger and Summer: *starts dancing*

(Everyone starts dancing)

Axel: Can I.. um... have this dance? *offers his hand to me*

Me: Sure!

Cutter and Aggro: *dancing really well*

Me: If it hadn't been for cotton eyed joe!

Axel: Id been married a long time ago!

Me and Axel: Where did you come from, where did you go?

Winger and Summer: Where did you come from cotton eyed joe!

Summer: Thanks for the ask!

Me: I thought it was a dare?

Dak: I guess it was both.

Axel: Until next time!

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