Date V3

763 6 4

A dare for Dak, from
"I dare Violet and Dak to go on a date."

Dak: W-What?!

Violet: ?!

Me: Haha this will be fun! *teleports then to the exotic island*


Me: Oh well. Now you have to stay here until I come back. 😏 Byeeeeee!

Violet: Wow. Just wow.

Dak: I know right? So rude.

*awkward silence*

Violet: Well we can't just sit here.

Dak: I agree. Let's build a raft and get back to Huttsgalor!

Violet: That's.... actually a really good idea.

Dak: Great! I'll get the vines!

Violet: Meet back here in half an hour.

Dak: Deal.

*le very lazy time skip, I bet you aren't even surprised*

Violet: Alright. Here's the wood.

Dak: Well I found vines that were coated in fresh slinkwing goo!

Violet:..... What. Dak you know that means there are slinkwings around here right?!

Dak: Uh... hadn't thought of that. Let's get this raft built quickly.

Violet: Deal.

*like half an hour later*

Violet: Quickly now let's go!

Dak: *pushes raft off the shore and into the sea, jumps on* Made it!

*another awkward silence*

Violet: This was actually pretty fun.

Dak: Yeah....

*weird noise below the raft*

Violet: What was that?

Dak: I don't really want to find out...

Violet: *looks into the water* Well I think you're going to anyway!

* dragon bursts out of water*

Dak: A tide glider!

Tide glider: *starts attacking the raft*

Violet: It's gonna destroy the raft!

Dak: Hey knock it off!

Tide glider: Oh please. Like I'm gonna listen to a child.

Violet: He's not just a child!

Tide glider: You can understand me?

Dak: We both can.

Tide glider: Okay then. Can you understand this? *continues to wreck the raft*

Violet: Stop it!!

Tide glider: NO!!

Dak: Why are you doing this?

Tide glider: Cuz I hate humans and children and everyone! Now drown! *breaks the raft and goes underwater*

Dak: Great! Now we're stranded in the middle of the ocean!

Violet: Look! A small island! Swim over to it!

Dak and Violet: *swims*

Dak: What now?

Violet: *shivering* I don't know.

Dak: are you ok?

Violet: *sneezes* yeah I'm fine.

Dak: I think you might catch a cold. That water is brutal.

Me: What the heck are you two doing here?

Dak: Long story. Can you get us back to the Roost?

Me: Sure. *teleports back to the Roost*

Violet: *shivering more*

Dak: Here let me get you some blankets.

Me: I can make hot chocolate. *leaves*

Violet: Thanks Dak.

Dak: No problem.

*final awkward silence*

Dak: That was a crazy adventure huh?

Violet: Yeah it was! It was fun!

Dak: I do have to admit, you're right.

Violet: Dak?

Dak: Yeah?

Violet: I.... um.... we should do this again.... sometime...

Dak: Yeah... we should... *gets closer to Violet*

Violet: *about to kiss Dak*

Me: *bursts through the door* HOT CHOCOLATE! Woah! Did I interrupt something? 😏

Violet: *whips back* NO GO AWAY!

Me: But I have your drink!

Violet: Whatever. Thanks for the dare.

Me: Until next time!

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