Custom stands

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A dare for the Rescue Riders, Magnus, Axel, and me, from
"dare:i present to you,my stands:
half cost emporium:Miguel(me)
Mississippi queen:jouta
summer:death parade
cutter:lost in bonerland
aggro:happy screaming night businessman (.h.s.n.b)
burple:happy birthday
dak:ascending hands
leyla:dead eyes
magnus:human artifacts found underwater(h.a.f.u)
axel:like clockwork
Jackie:bent chorals
you guys get to have these stands for 5 dares"
(If you want to know what these stands look like they are in migulehov 's stand book thing)

Winger: Woah! I can ascend into the fourth dimension?! Let me try this! *goes into fourth dimension*

Burple: I can make any wish come true? I wish for a pile of fish!

Happy birthday: *makes a pile of fish*

Burple: My life is beautiful.

Aggro: I can create an entire scenario based on music?

Me: I do that all the time. You aren't special.

H.S.N.B: Can you create it outside of your mind?

Me: No....

H.S.N.B: That's what I thought.

Dak: I have the ability... savestate? What does that mean?

Cutter: *sneaking up behind Dak* Hehehe... BOO!

Dak: *jumps up and drops his lunch* Nooo! That was my favorite kind of-

Ascending hands: *pauses time*

Dak: -fish?

Ascending hands: Would you like to return to a minute ago?

Dak: Yes. *times goes back* Cutter. I know you are behind me.

Cutter: WHAT?! How?!

Dak: This savestate thing is like something straight out of a video game!

Summer: I have the ability to what?!

Death parade: Visit Heaven or hell at any time!

Summer: Please don't.

Cutter: The ability to turn any lie into a true fact?! Aww yeah!! I'm faster than Winger!

Winger: *comes back from fourth dimension* Wanna race?

Cutter: Yeah! *takes off*

Winger: Woah! What the?!

Leyla: I can make anyone forget their last experience...

Winger: I just lost a race to Cutter?!

Dead eyes: *makes Winger forget*

Winger: What was I worried about?


Axel: Don't you have that anyway? You are the author after all.

Me: Don't you ever break the fourth wall like that again.

Axel: I can control time itself.

Magnus: *grins evilly* I can do this.

H.A.F.U: *sets a tornado on the Roost*


Like clockwork: *stops time*

Me: How do we fix this?!

Axel: How are you not frozen?

Me: Because I can also control time. I control everything. I'm the author.

Axel: Right. So can you get rid of the tornado?

Me: Yeah ok. *tornado poofs*

Like clockwork: *Starts time back up*

Bent chorals: *makes Magnus feel guilty*

Me: Suffer.

Jouta: *uses Mississippi Queen to melt Magnus's coin sash*

Magnus: I just earned those today! How dare you!

Cutter: Magnus doesn't care about gold.

Magnus: On the other hand, I didn't need that gold anyway.

Axel: *laughing*

Dak: I'm guessing you control temperature?

Jouta: Anything within 6 meters of me.

Miguel: *uses half cost emporium to double Burple's fish pile*

Burple: Thank you you're awesome!

Me: Thanks for the dare!

Magnus: I hate this.

Cutter: Magnus is back at his own house.

Magnus: *teleports back to his house*

Aggro: Thank you Cutter.

Cutter: No problem.

Me: Until next time!

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