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A dare for Winger, from
"Ok I wont be mean this time...

I dare Winger to race a Nightfury (That woudl probally be Toothless since there is liek no other Nightfury)"

Winger: Oh that sounds fun!

Me: One second. *snaps fingers and Toothless appears*

Toothless: What the heck?

Me: Sorry. It's a dare. Can you race Winger here?

Toothless: Uh sure.

Cutter: Hey.

Me: Hey.

Cutter: Winger is gonna win.

Me: Wait. Are you using the stand to make Winger win?

Cutter: Perhaps.

Me: Cutter no that's cheating.

Winger: Ready?

Toothless: Ready.

Me: GO!!

Winger and Toothless: *shoot off*

Cutter: It's a beautiful day here in Huttsgalor, perfect condition for this race. Contestants are Winger the Swiftwing and Toothless the Night Fury. And they're off! Wow, look at them go!

Me: Well folks it looks like it gonna be a close one! Winger is right on Toothless's tail. Wait, he's passing him! I repeat, Winger is passing Toothless!

Cutter: Ah but not for long! Toothless appears to have put in an extra burst of speed and WOW he's ahead now. Wait, What is Winger doing?

Me: He's flying way too slow! It looks like Toothless is the winner folks.

Cutter: Its not over yet. But Winger appears to be slowing down even more. What is he thinking?

Me: Uh oh. Crucial mistake. Toothless just stopped to look behind him at Winger's absence!

Cutter: WOW LOOK AT THAT SPEED! Winger shoots ahead and is in the lead!

Me: As the racing dragons near the finish line, the crowd waits with baited breath...


Winger: I did it? I did it! Yeah!!

Toothless: Wow. I never knew you could pull a trick like that. Good game.

Winger: Thanks man. Good game.

Me: And that settles it for the dragon race! Thanks for watching!

Cutter: Signing off for now, until next time!

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