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An ask for the Rescue Riders, from
"Ask for the Rescue Riders. Before you came to Huttsgalor, you saved a Wave Glider's egg. What does a Wave Glider actually look like.
(P.S. Jackie. I want you to GUESS and make a prediction to what they actually look like. It doesn't have to be canon. MY opinion is that they're several shades of green with large wings to swim. About the body structure between a Fastfin, Night Light, and a Swiftwing.)"

Leyla: Well, their wings look like Cutter's, But are built like Summer's.

Dak: They're tails look like Winger's.

Summer: They have Scauldron colors and a bit of blue. Hints of purple and red.

Cutter: Their bodies look like a combo of night fury and Gronkle.

Burple: I know that they have sort of skinny legs.

Aggro: I've never seen a Wave Glider. I have no idea what they look like. But from what Leyla told me, They're heads are the shape of piercing shriekscale heads. With more monstrous nightmare eyes.

Leyla: And a fin down their necks!

Dak: Hope this clears things up. Thanks for the ask and until next time!

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