Two questions

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Two asks for Winger and Axel, from
"I have 2 questions.
Winger: What are your options on the rescue riders and Axel?
Axel: How old are you?"

Winger: I love the Rescue Riders. Dak and Leyla are my adopted siblings, Cutter, Aggro and Burple are my best friends, and Summer is my mate. So it's kinda hard not to love them. Axel is cool too. I see potential in him. Maybe he'll even become a Rescue Rider one day.

Axel: I'm thirteen. So technically a teen.

Me: Did I just hear a Gravity Falls quote?

Axel: No go away this is not your ask.

Me: *smirks and leaves*

Axel: Anyway, thanks for the ask!

Winger: Until next time!

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