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A dare for Dak and Leyla, from
"I dare Dak  and Layla to play pranks on Magnus for a day and after every prank the give axel a nice gift in secret"

Dak: ehehehehehe deal!

Leyla: Hmm.... I have an idea.

*at Magnus's house*

Leyla: *puts her finger to her lips*

Dak: *nods*

Magnus: *walks out of his house* Hm! What a perfectly good day to ruin someone else's!

Dak: You got that right! *dumps a bucket of slime onto Magnus's head*


Leyla: Run!

Dak and Leyla: *runs away*

Dak: Wait! Don't we have to give a present to Axel?

Leyla: I'll take care of it! Just run!

Dak: *nods and leaves*

Leyla: *drops a box of candy next to Axel's feet and runs away*

Axel: Huh? Where did this come from?

*at the Roost*

Dak: Haha So What did you give him?

Leyla: Box of candy. Let's do another prank!

Dak: Deal!

*le long time skip because I have over 20 dares still and people are getting impatient*


Dak: Ok, so we did the slime prank, the Whoopi cushion prank, the fake eel prank... I thought there was more...

Leyla: Well it took forever to get the fake eel to look realistic so...

Dak: Idea! One last prank!

Leyla: I'm all ears.

Dak: *whispering*

Leyla: That sounds awesome! Let's do it!

*at Magnus's house*

Magnus: Well this day sucked!

Axel: *cuddling a teddy bear and eating candy* For you, Maybe.

Magnus: I'm exhausted. I think I'll just- WHERE'S MY BED?!

Axel: You mean this bed? *points to a mud pile with a bed in it*

Magnus: *falls face first onto the floor and just... falls asleep like that*

Axel:........... wow

Leyla: *accidentally steps on a twig*

Axel: Who's there?!

Leyla: It's ok. It's just me.

Axel: What are you doing here?

Leyla: Well this was supposed to be secret.... Dak and I were pranking Magnus and giving you secret presents... but it appears I'm all out of gifts to give you...

Axel: That's ok. I have a gift for you this time!

Leyla: Really? What is it?

Axel: *smirks and kisses Leyla*

Leyla: !!

Axel: There you go!

Leyla: Wow I.... Thanks

Axel: Haha you're welcome!

Me: *in the background* Wow I'm so proud UwU I can't believe he actually did it OwO that totally comes from me

Axel: No Jackie that does not come from you! You are scared to admit your feelings to-


Leyla: 😂

Me: *teleports away*

Axel: *smiling and shaking his head*

Axel and Leyla: *kisses again*

*at the Roost*

Me: Thanks for the dare!

Dak: Where's Leyla?

Me: She Uh... had to Uh....

Dak: ???

Me: Until next time!

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