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A dare for the Rescue Riders, from
"Dare:Siren head,cartoon cat and long horse are planning to attack huttskalog at night,your mision is to protect huttskalog and survive"

(Very Long chapter)

Siren head: *in the distance making noises*

*distant screams*

Long Horse (good):..........*cracks neck again*

Long Horse (evil): *in the distance, also neck cracks*

Alphinaud: Oh...... Thal's beard....


Violet: *slaps me* No! We will not!

A dare for the Rescue Riders, from
"Hey @UltraJackieJackal can I be in this dare too? I'll bring a machine gun and a fire sabre!!"

Me: Well I guess we need all the help we can get, so... sure.

CrazyShake: *loads gun*

Starblaze: Don't worry guys. I'm the protecter of the universe. I got this.

*cartoon music in the background*

Cartoon cat: *tries to eat Elbone*

Elbone: *somehow escapes*

Melody: Well... we have to fight. It's the only way.

Me: *deep breaths* Ok. We can do this.

Winger: Rescue Riders! Let's wing it!

*in Huttsgalor*

Siren head: *about to eat Haggis*

Haggis: MAAAHHH!!

Burple: *shoots rocks at Sirenhead* not today!

Siren head: *blaring siren noises, grabs Burple's leg before he can fly away*

Stealth: NO *flies to help Burple but also gets grabbed by Siren head*

Cartoon cat: *steps on Summer's tail preventing her from going anywhere*

Long Horse (evil): *wraps around Alphinaud, Dak, and Violet and drags them into the woods*

Leyla: Dak no!

Me: I'll go after them! *runs into the woods*

CrazyShake: *shoots Cartoon cat and makes him let go of Summer*

Winger: *kicks Siren head in the face*

Siren head: *noises get louder, drops Burple but holds onto Stealth*

Cartoon cat: *runs toward CarzyShake*

Long Horse (good): *trips Cartoon cat*

Starblaze and Nolan: *fly in circles around Siren head*

Siren head: *gets dizzy and lets go of Stealth*

Melody: *flies in and knocks Siren head over*

Axel: *about to get eaten by Cartoon cat, screaming*

Leyla: *jumps onto Cutter*

Cutter: *flies quickly and shoots spikes into Cartoon cat's head*

Aggro: *picks up Axel and flies away while Cartoon cat is distracted by Cutter and Leyla*

Siren head: *tries to eat Winger, eats Winger's saddle*

Winger: Woah! That was close!

Midnight: *shoves Siren head into a nearby building*

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