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A dare for the Rescue Riders and Finngard, from
"*gives Legoland tickets* Rescue riders +Finngard, have fun!"

Finngard: Yay Legoland!

Dak: Yay Legoland!

Finngard and Dak: *chanting* Legoland! Legoland!

Leyla: Ok well if you want to go so bad stop chanting and get on a dragon.

Finngard and Dak: *gets on Winger*

Winger: Alright everyone, let's wing it!

*at Legoland*

Dak: Roller coaster

Leyla: But I don't think Finngard is tall enough-

Dak and Finngard: ROLLER COASTER!!


Cutter: Yeah you guys have fun ima go drive

Aggro: Cutter. You cant drive. You're a Dragon.

Cutter: Ima go to the Lego driving school.

Aggro: That's for children, Cutter.

Cutter: *runs off*

Aggro: Cutter Wait! *runs after him*

Winger: Hey Burps, you coming to the roller coaster?

Burple: Uh.... sure.... yeah ok............

Winger: Great! Let's go!

Summer: Well I see a place over there where we can build whatever we want with legos.

Leyla: Whatever we want?

Summer: Yup.

Leyla: I have an idea!

*the roller coaster*

Guard: Hm... well young man, you're just the right height. You are free to ride.

Finngard: *cheers*

Dak: Woohoo lets go!

Guard: Um... are those dragons? They're not allowed on the ride.....

Winger: *shows ticket*

Guard:...........yeah whatever just get on the ride. *mumbles* I don't get paid enough.

Burple: Well.... I don't really think that..... Uh....

Winger: Come on Burps, it will be fun!

Burple: Ok..... here goes nothing.....

*at the driving school*


Aggro: Cutter you cant drive like that near a bunch of little kids!


Aggro: Omg

Teacher: Uh... is that a dragon? Why, He's out of control! Why can't he be more like this red dragon here? Is he with you?

Aggro: *nods*

Teacher: I'm afraid he's going to hurt someone. Can you make sure he doesn't?

Aggro: *nods again*

Teacher: Thank you, red dragon.

Aggro: Cutter! Be careful!

Cutter: *crashes into a lego tree* NeVER!

*at the building spot*

Summer: Uh.... Leyla? I think the other kids want a turn with the legos too.

Leyla: Hang On! I'm almost done!

Summer: What are you even building? It looks huge! Like a giftshop!

Leyla: Oh it's better than that! Behold, the ultimate Lego castle!

Kids: Woah!

Leyla: I am now done with the legos..... if you wanted to play inside the castle.

Kids: *cheer and run into the castle*

*the Roller coaster*

Burple: Woohoooo!! This is so fun! What do you think, Winger?

Winger: NONOnonono slow down slow down!!

Dak: I thought you liked going fast?

Winger: I like flying fast! This thing has me locked in! I feel like the cart is going to fly off and I'll die!

Finngard: Woo! I love this!

Dak: See? Even Finngard loves it!

Burple: Yay! Another drop!

Winger: *screams*

*the driving school*

Cutter: *ramming into everything and destroying Lego buildings*


Cutter: Mwahaahahahahaha!


Cutter: *hits a person by accident* Uh.... whoops.

Person: Ouch! Watch where your going, jeez!

Teacher: I finally caught up with you! *clears throat* You failed the test. And you're banned from driving here again. Get out of my sight.

Cutter: Meh. Oh well. Let's go eat somewhere, I'm starving.

Aggro: *facepalms*

*le time skip*

*back at the entrance*

Finngard: Wow! I had so much fun! Can we come here again?

Dak: *laughs* Sure!

Aggro: Well Cutter got himself banned from the driving.

Winger: Do we even want to know how?

Aggro: No.

Burple: Wait, where's Leyla and Summer?

Cutter: Over there! It looks like they're on a lego castle thing.

Dak: *runs over* Ley, it's time to lea- woah. Did you build this?

Leyla: Yup. Summer and I have just finished making a lego cannon!

Kid: *uses lego cannon and shoots Cutter in the head*

Cutter: *shoots a spike at the cannon*

Summer: Is it already time to leave?

Winger: Yup. Dares over. Let's go.

Burple: That was really fun! Thanks for the dare!

Cutter: *melting the cannon with fireblasts*


Leyla: Until next time!

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