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A dare for the Rescue Riders, from
"I dare for the Rescue Riders to meet Violet from the RolePlay and visit them for a week. (Her opinion of Cozy Glow *mutters to herself* She's just a child with no backstory. Did she have bad influences? Did she have an abusive family? Did she even HAVE a family? No one is just BORNED evil. She wanted power to have control in her life. Maybe she saw her parents die or something.)"

Leyla: That's reasonable.

Cutter: I still think she should stay Stone.

Violet: Well we cant just-

Dak: Guys stop fighting this is not why we're here.

Aggro: So you can talk to dragons too?

Violet: Yup.

Dak: Sweet!

Stealth: Hmmm...

Violet: What?

Stealth: You seem pretty cool.

Violet: Thanks.

Winger: Wanna race?

Violet: Um ok. *gets on Stealth*

Dak: *gets on Winger*

Summer: Three! Two! One!

Cutter: GO!!

Winger: *zooms away*

Stealth: *trying to keep up, doing sort of well*

Dak: I think we got this!

Violet: Never get your hopes up!

Stealth: *launches herself from a tree and shoots ahead of Winger*

Winger: Nope! *flys even faster*

Winger and Stealth: *touches the ground*

Violet: We won!

Dak: No we did!

Leyla: Guys it was a tie.

Stealth: Yeah tie! We're all tied up now!

Violet: Good game.

Dak: It was fun!

*a few days later*

Violet: *making breakfast*

Summer: That smells good.

Violet: Good morning.

Summer: What are you making?

Violet: Bacon eggs and pancakes.

Summer: Eggs?!

Violet: Chicken eggs. Unfertilized. I did not kill any babies.

Summer: Ok good.

Cutter: I smell food!

Winger: That looks amazing!

Violet: Well it's almost done. Why don't you guys go wake the others?

Winger: On it.

*a few minutes later*

Dak: Omg this is so good!

Leyla: How do you do this?

Violet: Cooking is in my family genes.

Cutter: BACON!!

Stealth: BACION!!

Cutter: Uh bacon.

Stealth: Bacion.

Cutter: Ba-con.

Stealth: Ba-cion.


Aggro: These eggs are delicious!

Burple: I think pancakes are even better than fish!

Cutter: B

Stealth: B

Cutter: A

Stealth: A

Cutter: C

Stealth: C

Cutter: O

Stealth: O

Cutter: N

Stealth: N

Cutter: Bacon.

Stealth: Bacion.

Cutter: *facepalms*

*a few more days later*

Violet: It was fun hanging with you guys!

Winger: It was fun having you!

Violet: I'll see you again sometime soon?

Dak: Depends on the dares.

Violet: Bye for now!

Everyone: Bye!

Leyla: Thanks for the dare and until next time!

Rescue Riders Ask Or Dare 2Where stories live. Discover now