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A dare for Cutter and Aggro, from
"I dare for Aggro and Cutter to pretend to be Rapunzel and Eugene for a day from Tangled. Aggro is Rapunzel and Cutter is Eugene (for obvious reasons)"

Cutter: Well ok. Let me get into character.... *clears throat* They always get my nose wrong!

Aggro: *puts on seaweed wig* How am I looking?

Cutter: Perfect! Hey guess what.

Aggro: What?

Cutter: Thug life.

Aggro: Cutter! *laughs* that's not what Eugene says!

Winger: What the heck is going on in here?

Aggro: So I have made the decision to trust you.

Cutter: A horrible decision really.

Winger: Dare I'm guessing.

Aggro: Bingo. Please stranger! Take me to the floating lanterns for my birthday!

Cutter: Yeah ok but that Chameleon is freaking me out.

Winger: (has never seen tangled) Is he talking about me?

Aggro: Why do you fight with that horse so much?

Cutter: Because I do not like him.

Aggro: I have discovered that I am of royal blood!

Cutter: That's insane!

Aggro: My evil step mother has kidnapped me AGAIN!!

Cutter: Ok I'll save you!

Winger: *visible confusion*

Cutter: Wait nononononono AAAAAHHHH IVE BEEN STABBED!

Aggro: NOOOOOOO! I'll stay with my evil step mother and heal you!

Cutter: NO. *rips off seaweed wig*

Aggro: *fake cries* Oh my tear landed on your cheek and is healing you?

Cutter: Yeah baby I'm still alive!

Aggro: My new name is rose quartz and I can heal with my tears.


Aggro: Sorry. Hey I know we just met like two days ago but let's get married!

Cutter: Yeah deal!

Winger: What.

*a day later*

Cutter: *laughing* that was fun!

Aggro: Sure was! Thanks for the dare!

Winger: I'm still confused.

Cutter: Until next time!

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