Twist part 2

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A dare for Axel, from
"I dare Axel to hang out with Twist for a day. Like, let them just have fun"

Axel: Awesome!

Twist: Hey again. What's up?

Me: *slides in* the ceiling.

Twist: Wha- oh. Ayyy!

Me: *laughs* Anyway, I'll leave you two boys to it. Don't make a mess please, I'm tired.

Axel: We won't. *under breath* make a huge mess. Maybe a little one.

Me: I can hear you. Jackal ears hear everything.

Twist: Ok.... can we go?

Axel: Yup. See ya Jackie.

Me: Have fun!

*at the docks*

Twist: So what did you want to do?

Axel: Well, I don't know. Not much goes on in Huttsgalor.

Twist:......... that was a joke right?

Axel: Yeah. Pretty much anything and everything happens here.

Twist: You know what I'm thinking?

Axel: Hot summer day. Of course I know what you're thinking.

Axel and Twist: Ice cream!

*le time skip for reasons that aren't necessary to explain*

Axel: So I can control time for a few more dares.

Twist: Wow really? Show me!

Axel: Yeah ok.

Like clockwork: *stops time*

Axel: *finds a hat and puts it on Twist*

Like clockwork: *resumes time*

Twist: What the? Oh wow. Come on, was that the best you can do?

Axel: *laughs* ok ok. So maybe I slack a little. I work hard, give me a break.

Twist: Haha ok dude. Wow. Where did the time go?

Axel: It's already sunset?

Twist: Hmm... well I guess that makes sense since we ate ice cream, then visited the Rescue Riders, then we got in a fight with wolves....

Axel: Jackie didn't put those things in the fanfic...

Twist: Well she's lazy.

Me: *appears* I don't deny it.

Twist: WOAH!

Axel: *laughs* Classic Jackie.

Twist: Well I best be getting back. I promised My slug Loki that we could hang out tomorrow.

Axel: Why didn't you just bring him with you today?

Twist: I- Hmm. Good point. Anyway, see y'all later!

Axel: Good bye!

Me: So you found a new friend?

Axel: Yes.

Me: Aw that's good! Well thanks for the dare!

Axel: Why did you not put our whole time today in the chapter?

Me: I have my reasons.

Axel: Is it because you haven't been sleeping well and you are up really late only surviving on a single Dr Pepper?

Me:...... *drinks the last of my Dr Pepper* Yes. Until next time!

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