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A dare for The Rescue Riders and the Rescue Runts, from
"Dare: Collide RTTE and RR and make them work together to save me from literally every bad guy (nO mAgnUs fiNke) (bring the Rescue Runts :3) save me from every bad guy in httyd, including dead ones but NOT i repeat, NOT viggo grimborn. He became good in seasoning 6"

(So there are like 86 httyd bad guys so... I can only do a select few.)

Me: Wait, the Rescue Runts too?

Elbone: Yay! Our first dare!

Axel: Good.

Me: Uh....

Axel: Now we can talk.

Me: Oof.

Hiccup: Alright guys, we gotta go this quick!

Stealth: I think I know where they might be!

Dak: Lead the way Stealth!

*short time skip cuz I'm extremely tired*

Drago: We got you now!

Dagur: Prepare for the end!

Grimmel: Oh no. Dragons!

Krogan: And humans!

Alvin: And a dog!

Me: *facepalms*

Drago: Just end this coward! I'll distract them.

Hiccup: Drago?!

Drago: That's right. I'll get that night fury this time!

Toothless: *growls*

Winger, Summer, Nolan and Stormfly: *fly around and distract the villains*

Hookfang: *swoops down and grabs Tenya*

Grimmel: *about to throw a bola at Hookfang*

Elbone and Boney: *takes bola out of Grimmel's hands*

Dagur: *grabs Cutter's tail before he can fly away*

Axel: *was riding Cutter, then fell off when Dagur grabbed him*

Krogan: Hmm. Well at least I get to end someone today.

Me: *jumps off of Stormfly(Astrid let me ride with her so I could avoid Axel)* Nope idiot! *tackles Krogan and starts attacking*

Drago: *bolas Toothless*

Hiccup: No!!

Burple: *shoots rocks at Drago, keeping him back long enough for Snotlout to cut Toothless free*

Alvin: *tries to grab Tenya out of Hookfang's claws*

Aggro: *blasts him back*

Summer: Come on guys let's go!

Snotlout: *jumps on Hookfang and flies away with Tenya*

Me: *kicks Krogan away, grabs Axel's hand and jumps on Stormfly*

Toothless: *flies up and away with Hiccup in his back*

Drago: Curse you all, dragon riders!

*time skip again cuz I need to get these chapters published ASAP*

*Hiccup and his gang went back to their homes*

Dak: That was insane!

Me: It sure was!

Axel: Hey Jackie.... thanks for saving me back there.

Me: *avoiding eye contact* No problem. Gotta go!

Axel: Jackie no! Wait!

Me: Jackie yes. Bye!

Leyla: What happened between you two?

Axel: Uh... well..... long story? Anyway, thanks for the dare!

Elbone: Seriously what happened? Tell us!


Axel: Uh Until next time!

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