I'm running out of chapter names

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A dare for Axel, from
"dare:jouta and axel spend a day together."

Axel: Deal.

Magnus: *glares, knowing he can't be a jerk to Axel or else Jouta will squeeze the guts out of him*

Jouta: I'm watching you moron.


Magnus: Grrr... Ok I'm done with this stupid dare! Axel!

Jouta: *picks up Magnus and chucks him into the sky* *grabs him before he hits the ground*

Magnus: *shaking*

Jouta: Wanna try that again?

Magnus: No sir!

Me: I like this guy.

*in Huttsgalor*

Axel: *eating ice cream that Jouta bought* So your dad and grandfather died to save you?

Jouta: *also eating ice cream* Well my grandfather gave his energy to save my mother. My family is broken.

Axel: At least they love you. I've honestly never had someone who loved me until I came to Huttsgalor. Magnus is a total jerk but... The Rescue Riders, Jackie, the townspeople... they are like my new family.

Jouta: *sighs* I just wish..... maybe things could be better.....

Axel: Hey.

Jouta: Hm?

Axel: If you're ever feeling lonely, just come to Huttsgalor. We will accept you here.

Jouta: Thank you.

Axel: Plus, there are so many fun things to do here! You could always join Jackie in the game of roasting Magnus!

Jouta: I think I will, actually.

Me: Did someone say roasting Magnus?

Axel: Oh boy.

Me: Come on let's go roast him!

Jouta: Sounds entertaining.

Axel: Ok I'm in.

*at Magnus's house*

Me: Hey you awesome person!

Magnus: Hm? Oh so you finally noticed.

Me: No I was talking to Jouta.

Magnus: What?!

Jouta: *behind Magnus* Don't worry, you are an awesome person too.

Magnus: Really? I mean of course I am.

Jouta: I was talking to Axel.

Axel: Why thank you! We four could become the awesome person group!

Magnus: Well there are only four of us here, I guess you DO think I'm awesome!

Cutter: *steps out from behind trees* I would love to join the awesome person group!

Magnus: What is he doing here?!

Me: I called him here just so we could roast you.

Magnus: You dumb coyote!

Me: Jackal. 😑

Jouta: Consider yourself wrecked, moron.

Magnus: Grr... *wishing he could order Axel around*

Axel: I am untouchable!


Cutter: YEET!


Jouta: What just happened there?

Me: Sorry. That's my favorite word.

Jouta: Your favorite word is Sorry?

Me: No.

Cutter: Your favorite word is no?

Me: My favorite word is Yeet.

Jouta: Understandable. Have a nice day.

Magnus: *goes inside and slams the door*

Axel: Haha we wrecked him! Thanks for the dare!

Cutter: Until next time!

Rescue Riders Ask Or Dare 2Where stories live. Discover now