Plot twist

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An ask/dare for Axel, from
"I have a ask and dare combined for Axel... My ask is... Do you have a crush on Leyla? And If he says yes my dare is he has to admit his feelings to Leyla"

Axel: Well... I've thought about it since I was dared to date Leyla. I mean... she is pretty, and really nice. But... Jackie is cool too, I'm torn between two options.

Me: Buddy listen.

Axel: AH! Oh uh hey Jackie.

Me: Really listen. *inhales* At this point, you and Leyla being a thing might become canon. It won't wreck my life though, because if you're happy and protected, then I'm fine. And I know Leyla, she's a good person. If you choose her, I'll be perfectly fine. I've been through worse.

Axel: Um... like what?

Me: Loss of good friends.

Axel: ?!?!

Me: So. Do you like Leyla?

Axel: Um... a little bit.... one question though. If I choose her, will we still be friends?

Me: No.

Axel: :(

Me: We will not be friends. We will be best friends. And I will still protect you. And we can still crash hotels and ride Zipplebacks and destroy Magnus's house. Besides, I don't even think I'm ready for a relationship.

Axel: Ok then.... I guess I'll just.... *deep breaths*

Me: You can do this buddy.

*at the Roost*

Axel: Hey... I'm sorry.

Me: It's ok. I'm not upset. Honestly I knew this would happen eventually.

Axel: You did?

Me: Yep. Now go out there and tell her.

Axel: *more deep breaths* hey Leyla.

Leyla: Oh hey Axel. What's up?

Axel: The ceiling.

Leyla: ???

Me: *facepalms*

Axel: Hehehe... anyway, I wanted to talk to you about something.

Leyla: What is it?

Axel: So I got a dare and.... well.... IKindaLikeYouPleaseDontHateMe.

Leyla: You... you what.

Axel: I'm sorry I'm sorry! I can just leave!

Leyla: No please stay. I kinda like you too.

Axel: ?! Really?

Leyla: A little bit, Yeah. But... is Jackie ok with this?

Axel: *turns around*

Me: *gives thumbs up*

Axel: *looks back at Leyla* Yeah she's good.

Leyla: *smiles*

Me: Ahem. A dare. For the two of you. From @CrystalEmber.
"Axel and Leyla have to kiss. No backing out this time!"

Axel: Wh- What?!

Me: I've kept you shippers waiting long enough, and for that I apologize. I sit here and realize that nothing I say or do will change the minds of desperate fangirls and fanboys. So, after a few months, here you go.

Leyla: *blushes* Um... so...

Axel: Sorry. Please don't hate me. *kisses Leyla*

Leyla: !

Me: Ok well I guess my work here is done? *muttering* And the shippers go absolutely bonkers. The JackieXAxel shippers are dying to death, and the LeylaXAxel shippers are rejoicing.

Axel: *stops* Do you hate me?

Leyla: N-no.... I love you.

*back at Magnus's house*

Me: *carrying a smiling, lovestruck Axel to the bench*

Magnus: What's with him.

Me: Nothing you would understand.

Magnus: Hmpf.

Me: *sets Axel down on the bench*

Axel: What is this... feeling in my chest... I feel like I'm about to burst...

Me: That's love for ya. *hands Axel a popsicle* It can hurt sometimes. Don't let anything drag you down. Not any trash ships, not any crazy fangirls.

Magnus: What is going on?

Me: None ya beeswax. Get out.

Magnus: *glares and leaves*

Axel: Well.... thanks for the dare and ask....

Me: And until next time!

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