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A dare for the Rescue Riders, from
"My OC Midnight is coming for 11 dares, SHE IS A KILLER. Dont talk about her family or she will kill you. Anyways about my dare... Sorry Winger but I dare you to talk about Midnights family, sorry if u die, sorry not sorry"

Stealth: Yay! More OCs! And don't worry, I can handle crazy.

Burple: Stealth? She's not crazy, she's a killer.

Stealth: Same thing.

Winger: It most certainly is not.

Midnight: *creepy smile* Hello.

Cutter: h-hi... *hides behind Aggro*

Aggro: Don't try anything.

Dak: Welcome to the Roost Midnight!

Violet: But Seriously don't try anything.

Robert: A killer dragon?

Daisy: This isn't safe..

Leyla: It's ok, we can handle it.

*later on*

Winger: I'm gonna die. I'm totally going to die. Midnight?

Midnight: What.

Winger: So, uh.... how did you Uh... lose your family?

Midnight: *pins Winger to the wall with her tail* what did you just say?

Winger: I, uh-

Midnight: *about to rip Winger's throat out*

Me: *stops time* Hm, we can't have that now can we? Let's see... dangerous murder dragons go to the shame orb to think about what they've done. *snaps fingers*

Midnight: *gets teleported into a round cage*

Me: *resumes time*

Winger: AAAAAAAaaaaaa... what?

Midnight: How'd I get here? Let me out!

Me: No. You were a bad dragon. You stay there for two dares.


Me: Yeah I have control over everything here.

Midnight: *trying to break free*

Me: Winger are you ok?

Winger: Yeah I'm good, thanks.

Me: No problem. Anyway, thanks for the dare!

Winger: Yes thank you for almost killing me!!

Me: Haha until next time!

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