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A dare for the Rescue Riders, from
"Hey Jackie, another OC of mine is coming! She is a Whipsong. (a deathsong with a long tail that she uses to suffocate her prey). Her name is Melody. She enjoys singing, racing, and exploring. She is good! And has a large crush on Nolan. her colors are Orange, Pink and purple. THX! for the rest of dares that Nolan has"

Me: Well then, welcome to the Roost Melody!

Melody: Thank you! This is gonna be great!

Boney: Nice to meet you miss Melody.

Melody: Aw thank you!

Nolan: It'll be nice to have you here!

Melody: *blushes*

Winger: So you enjoy racing, Huh?

Melody: Yeah!

Summer: I think I know where this is going.

Winger: Wings up everyone! Time for a race!

Stealth: I think you called it Summer. Count me in and get ready to lose!

Nolan: We'll see about that!

Dak: Three! Two! One! Go!!!

Everyone: *shoots off*

Me: This should be entertaining to watch! Thanks for the dare and until next time!

Rescue Riders Ask Or Dare 2Where stories live. Discover now