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A dare for the Rescue Riders, from
"I dare for the all R.R love birds to kiss in every chapter like they actually love each other. (It has to be at the beginning of the chapter)"

Me:.... every chapter? Ok fine.

Violet: Ha! I've been wanting to do this! *kisses Dak*

Dak: !! *kisses back*

Me: Heh.

Leyla: *kisses Axel*

Axel: *blushes, also kisses back*

Me: Ok.

Cutter and Aggro: *kisses each other*

Me: UwU

Stealth: *kisses Burple*

Burple: *blushing, kisses back*

Me: Ok well-

Winger and Summer: *kisses*

Me: So like-

Robert and Daisy: *kisses*

Me: Omg

Midnight:............. Bleh.

Me: *walks over to Midnight*

Midnight: So this is going to happen every chapter until this book ends?

Me: Lol definitely not.

Midnight: Good. I don't know if I can take all this.

Me: Haha neither can I.

Everyone else: *is done*

Cutter and Aggro: *still kissing*

Me: Guys that's enough.

Cutter: *holds up pinky finger at me*

Me: Omg

Midnight: What does that mean

Me: If you hold up your pinky finger to someone, it means you are calling them a buttcrack.

Cutter and Aggro: *keep kissing*

Me: I'm out *teleports away*

Cutter and Aggro: *finally stop*

Midnight: Thank thor.

Dak: 🥴

Violet: Wow. You ok?

Dak: Yep Yep perfectly fine.

Axel: That is not going to happen in every chapter, is it? When I look to the bottom right I can see that this already has over 335 words.

Everyone else: WHAT

Me: *teleports back* If you break the fourth wall like that again I'm putting you in the shame orb.

Axel: Sorry.

Winger: Thanks for the dare!

Stealth: Until next time!

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