South Korea

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A dare for me and the Rescue Riders, from @Lucasrescuerider
"Dare: *gives the tickets to rescue riders & jackie* here's enough tickets for you guys to the south korea. Have fun! Oh! & there's a guide on the airport! He will help you guys!"

Me: I'm sorry Alphi but it looks like I'm going to have to leave you with the OCs. There's only enough tickets for me and the Rescue Riders.

Alphinaud: Um....

Midnight: *evil smile*

Nolan and Melody: *having a pillow fight*

Rim: *training with his double swords*

Stealth: *flying around like a nut*

Alphinaud: Hehe.... sounds great... yaaaaay....

Violet: Don't worry. We'll help you keep these crazies under control. Right Starblaze?

Starblaze: *nods*

Alphinaud: Thanks.

Violet: *kisses Dak on the cheek* have fun!

Dak: *blushing* Hehe you too!


Dak: Oh hush.

Me: Alright, I know the way to the airport! Follow me!

*at the airport*

Winger: So.... where's our flight?

Guide: I can help you there.

Aggro: Wait you can understand us?

Guide: Only for today. The flight is this way.

Everyone: *follows the Guide*

Guide: Here you are. Have a safe flight!

Me: Thank you!

Cutter: So when does our flight leave?

Me: In about.... two hours.

Everyone: *groans*

*le time skip*

Me: Alright, it's time!

*everyone gets on airplane*

Me: And now we wait another half an hour for the plane to actually take off.

Aggro: WHAT?!

Me: Yo that's how this usually works.

Cutter: *indistinguishable dying noises*

*another time skip*

Plane: *starts flying up*

Summer: Finally! So when do we get there?

Me: five hours.

Dak: *slams head against wall*

*two hours later*

Aggro: *sleeping on Cutter's shoulder*

Cutter: *also sleeping*

Winger: Hehe. They're really cute... *yawns and closes his eyes*

Me: *staring out the window at the night sky*

Summer: Watcha thinking about?


Summer: You miss him?

Me: What?!

Summer: You're worries about Alphinaud.

Me: Well, considering I left him with a killer dragon, a double sword wielding grim reaper, and an out of control small shadow dragon, yes.

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