Twist part 3

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A dare for Axel, from
"Axel and Twist can hang out again (this time Twist should bring Loki with him. He and Axel could have some fun with the illusions)"

Twist: Guess who's back!

Axel: Twist! Aw man it's good to see you again!

Twist and Axel: *fist bump*

Me: Ha! Who's this?

Twist: Hm? Oh that's Loki, my slug.

Me: A ghoul slug?

Twist: Yep. Good noticing!

Me: Hey Loki! Aw you're a cute little slug!


Twist: Cute?

Axel: She can look at the ugliest creature and call it cute. No joke.

Loki: *bites my finger*

Me: Haha. Chomp.

Twist: Does that not hurt?!

Me: Meh. Not really.

Twist: Are you immune?!

Me: No. *pulls Loki off* Have fun. I'm going to annoy Magnus. *leaves*

Twist: That dude seemed pretty nice last time.

Axel: Potion.

Twist: Oh. Well.... we can help Jackie annoy him if you want.

Axel: We can?

Twist: Yup! Loki and I have a few tricks up our sleeves... show him, Loki!

Loki: *turns into a monstrous looking slug*

Axel: WOAH! He can do that?!

Twist: Haha Yup! Now let's go annoy Magnus!

Axel: Yay!

*at the docks, where Magnus is*

Me: *trips Magnus*

Magnus: Do you insist on doing this? All. The. Time?!

Me: Let's See..... yes.

Loki: *comes running up as monstrous slug*



Axel: *pulls me aside* that's just Loki. He can shape shift. We're scaring Magnus.

Twist: Yeah!!

Me: You Guys are awesome.

Twist: We know.

Axel: Ok WOW

Magnus: *screaming*

Loki: *growls*


Twist: I got it on video too!

Axel and Me: YAAAAY!!

Magnus: Get this thing away from me!

Axel: Haha thanks for the dare!

Twist: Until next time!

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