Allow me to just die

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Back to the ask for Magnus, from
"tooni: hey...magnus..? i know we're not them but...since some of the rescue riders got married could we..? its ok if you dont want to pretty early... but..could we..?"

Magnus: Well that's today. So uh....

Me: Ok Magnus. Before you go out there I just want you to know something.

Magnus: Hm?

Me: I hate you. I always have. With every fiber of my being. And honestly I could care less if something were to happen to you. I hope you get hit by a car. Goodbye. *walks away*

Axel: Oh thor she just burned you so bad that even the sun is jealous of such heat.

Magnus: Shut it before I-

Jouta: You gonna finish that?

Magnus: Uh Nope.

Axel: Ha! Actually, this is the third dare of Jouta being here. Bummer.

Jouta: Just call me again if he starts bothering you. Or get your jackal friend. She seems capable.

Me: Finally someone got my species right!

Axel: Anyway, Tooni is waiting. Get out there!

Magnus: I don't take orders from you. *walks out anyway*

Axel: *under breath* you sure about that?

Tooni: Hey Magnus! Why is there no one else here?

Magnus: I don't like anyone here. That's why.

Tooni: Ok then....

Me: Hmm.... time to wreck this dude. *gets in front of Magnus and Tooni* We are gathered here today to celebrate the coming together of these two... Uh... people.

Magnus: There's no one here.

Me: That's all the people that love you.

Axel and Jouta: OOOOHHHH!!!!!

Magnus: 😑

Tooni: Don't worry. I love you.

Me: Aaannnnnddd never mind I'm out. *walks back to Axel and Jouta*

Magnus: *kisses Tooni*

Me: *laying in the grass wondering what my life has come to*

Axel: You've killed her!

Magnus: Good.

Jouta: Boi I will whip you so hard I swear.

Tooni: *blushing*

Me: *still laying in the grass* She crazy.

Axel: Let's get you out of here. You've seen enough of this horror for one day.

Jouta: I'm gonna hurl. Yeah let's just leave.

Me: *being dragged by the tail by Axel* By the way Magnus I hope that pain and misfortune comes to you!!

Magnus: Yeah Whatever.

Tooni: Thanks for the dare!

Jouta: She is the only one who can say thanks. I'm about to beat someone up.

Me: Can that someone be Magnus please?

Jouta: Yes.

Axel: Until next time!

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