Jouta's speech

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An ask for the Rescue Riders, from
"ask:this is a speech of jouta that he never revealed to nowhone because of being directly conected to his trauma:I'm not afraid to die here. But I am a proud member of the molisani family. So you see, it's in my blood. Something like this might mean absolutely nothing to a demented and inhuman monster like you. My father didn't recognize me, but he sacrificed his life to save mine anyway. My grandfather gave his  energy to save  my mother, right before he died. It's tradition, I have to do something. I can't let my life's flame, just flatter out to darkness. This is the molisani family spirit! Handed down from the past to ensure the family's future! It's the human spirit!

unfortunately,the speech is incomplete,i hope you guys respect this speech as i do."

Dak: I'm really sorry about your dad.

Leyla: And your grandfather.

Winger: We didn't know you were so hurt.

Summer: I bet him and Axel would get along well.

Cutter: You're a brave person. You'll make it far in this world.

Burple: That's really sad! I think you need a pizza night. Those always cheer me up.

Aggro: Pizza doesn't fix trauma Burple.

Dak: Again we're really sorry about everything that happened to you.

Leyla: Thanks for the ask and I hope you get better.

Aggro: Until next time!

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