Mike's POV
I say "when you see a short Mexican that looks like a girl walk into the room I want you to say you're slow." Kellin gives me a look and smiles evilly. A kid yells "RACIST!" I say "slow down, dude. I'm Mexican and he's my brother I have a pass." The crowd laughs and I say "I'm just kidding don't say that cause its not nice. I'll say it instead." The crowd laughs and Tony says "I think Vic would beat you up, Mike." Vic walks in saying "maybe I'll do it for fun. Hello everyone." I say "ok what in the world took you so long?" Vic says "I had to go get something for the people. Mainly the sophomore class but ya know anyone." I raise an eyebrow saying "did you break into my house?" Vic says "yes, I did break into your house." The crowd chuckles and Tony says "did you kidnap a person or an object?" Vic says "a person. She's nice I haven't talked to her that much but she's chill. Does anyone want me to get her to come in?" The crowd cheers loudly and I mumble "go see Kellin my ass" and Tony smacks me. Vic takes the microphone from me saying "come on in, dude." I take my phone out, taking a video because her and her friends are going to have a reunion moment and they'll want it for graduation. Ava walks in and the whole sophomore class gasps and gets up to hug her. Susanne goes up to her last and they breakdown. Tony smiles, leaning on me. I mumble "this is what it was like when Vic got out of prison for everyone that he saw." Tony says "what we do for people is crazy." I say "mhmm." Ava comes over and hugs Vic. Ava steals the mic from Vic saying "hi everyone you all have gotten tall I feel really short so I'm going to stand next to Vic for now. Its been crazy without you guys. Oh you have to thank these fools plus a bunch more for getting me back here and getting the people that deserved it in jail" gesturing to us and the crowd goes wild. I smile and Tony hip bumps me. I chuckle and hip bump him back. Vic says "this was staged by the way we don't have to talk about gun safety or self defense. Woohoo instead welcome to the Fuentes talk show featuring Tony and Ava. How are you guys?" Tony says "excuse me I'm just a feature?! Ava's not a feature either." Vic says "welp. Mike, hows the weather up there?" I say "hows the weather down there?" The crowd laughs and I say "let's have a weird question time for a few minutes. Raise your hand and ask a question and well answer it any question you want." A person in the front raises her hand. I say "you." She says "who's siblings up there cause I can't tell?" Vic says "I'm the older brother Mike is younger." I say "believe it or not." A guy asks "whats the most ironic thing about your police circle?" Vic says "I got this one." I say "I know you're the ironic one." Vic takes the microphone saying "ok story time. So, believe it or not I've been to prison. I'm thinking you all are like funny joke you're a police officer and have been for 15 years. Well, I went to prison for illegal drugs and gang activity. I was in there for how many years? Hmm 6 years I think? As you can tell I don't really remember and I don't try to. I somehow landed this job thanks to Michael over there." I say "stop with the full name thing it makes us both uncomfortable." Vic says "you are right for once." I say "I'm right a lot actually." Tony says "I'm right more then both of you so shut up." We both say "whatever." Ava says "hows it going, Tony?" Tony says "tiring with these 2, the woman are invading my house, I didn't get coffee this morning and my husband went to Starbucks, the list goes on." The crowd laughs and a few say "amen." Tony chuckles saying "Mike, you owe me coffee." I say "I always owe you coffee." The crowd laughs and I say "I've been paranoid lately about when all the girls in my house are just going to start stealing each other's clothes and screaming at each other. Can you send me a text or call me or something?" The crowd laughs and Tony says "Mike, I have like 5 siblings I don't think thats how it works." I say "I have one that's equivalent to 5 girls." Vic says "the one assumption about us is that I'm a girl." The crowd bursts out laughing. I say "I mean we'll get you a dress and you can just salsa your way through life Vic, go by Victoria, and become an exotic dancer." The crowd laughs and Vic says "maybe I will." Then I hear a "were getting a divorce if you become an exotic dancer and I'll marry your brother." Tony says "uhh no thanks? He's mine not yours." I say "darn. Kellin, lets be real you would become an exotic dancer too." Tony laughs saying "ok we gotta keep it a little PG guys." I say "I'm not capable." Tony says "become capable." A group in the crowd says "roasted!" I say "feisty turtle." A person in the crowd says "what stereotype is everyone in your police circle?" I say "everyone in my crew umm, Vic is a Mexican gangster named Pablo. It doesn't happen very often but nah I'm just kidding thats more of an alter ego if you will. Vic says "umm I think we established you guys are the mom and dad of the group a while ago." Tony says "Mike's a dork, I take the mom title cause I'm just at that point in life, Vic is that dude in college that is really muscular but doesn't work out and lives life as a frat boy, ummm then theres Finneas he's a special one he's one of those guys you jus want to call kid even though he looks nothing like a kid, Billie she is that person that wears their pajamas to school even if its against the dress code." I say "we establish I am a dork everyday!" Tony says "Mike, you're a dork."

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