Mike's POV
We get to the airport and Asia says "people normally swarm me for pictures. I'm just giving you a heads up." I say "we already have your ticket and the plane takes off in 20, letting people on in 5, so we are going to walk how we normally do but ignore everyone who talks to you but I don't think people will come up to you because you are "dead" but if it happens keep walking." She says "smart lets go" walking to the door. Tony shrugs, following her. I catch up to him and Asia is kind of doing her own thing. She is getting stares but not because shes pretty much famous its because shes pretty. She lets us catch up to her mumbling "put an arm around my shoulder I don't like getting stared at but being unacknowledged." Tony puts his arm around her shoulder, glaring at the guys who were staring, making them look away. I say "one with the ladies, Tone." Tony says "you're the man whore." I say "rude." Asia says "I think those guys are scared of you, my dude." Tony says "were scary thats just how it is." We sit at the gate and this creepy guy moves towards Asia. She whispers "I have a plan. Switch with me." I nod and she sits in the middle of Tony and I saying "this is so new for me. I love having FBI escorts its so exciting!" Creepy guy goes wide eyed, casually walking to the other side of the gate. I laugh saying "nice one" high fiving her. Tony says "you act or something?" She says "I kind of do whatever whenever. Ive acted in school things a couple times." Tony nods saying "nice, I'm bored." I say "me too."
Back in San Diego
Tony says "welcome back, kiddo." Asia says "I think I have a better appreciation for my hometown now that I left against my will." I nod saying "I haven't left ever to live." Tony says "I was born in Mexico and spent a few years there before I moved here." Asia says "nice" as we walk out of the airport. Tony says "thats the least amount of time I've ever spent in one state." Asia says "how long were you there?" I check my phone for the time saying "about 4 hours." She says "wow." I say "mhm. I never said that but you really look like your brothers." She says "I get that a lot" tucking her hair behind her ear, getting in the car. We get in the car and I drive out of the parking lot. Tony says "where do you want to go first, Asia?" She says "I get to choose? Umm what time is it?" I say "about 3." She says "my moms work. You know where that is right?" I say "yup" driving to her moms work. We get there and I say "I'm going to talk to a guy I'll let you in in a second." Asia says "surprise?" I say "of course. Nothing casual about it." I walk into the building and the security guy says "aye you're back!" I say "yeah, I need a couple of your guys to get Dr. Annesley and Mr. Annesley down here for me." He raises an eyebrow saying "why?" I say "its important tell them its me that wants them and they need to be quick about it." He nods saying "you. You. Go get the Annesley's its important." They nod and I say "thank you." I go outside saying "you ready?" She nods saying "I'm nervous but what can you do right?" I say "its just your parents you'll do just fine." She nods and I say "I'll let you know when to come in." I go back in, Tony following me. When we get in there the Annesley's are there on the other side of security and her mom looks scared. I say "hey, don't be scared I am the messenger of surprises to today." Joy says "whats the surprise?" Still looking anxious. I say "dude! Come in!" Asia walks in saying "was that my cue?" I say "yes" as her mom and her dad go to hug her. Tony says "I love these things they're so cute." I say "you're going soft for her." Tony says "I'm soft for everyone unless I find a need to otherwise." I say "true." Asias dad walks over to us saying "thank you so much, guys." I say "just doing my job" shaking his hand. Tony nods shyly at him, smiling. Asias dad nods then walks away. Joy comes over saying "thank you, guys I really appreciate it and I'm thinking she does too." I say "you're welcome" shaking her hand. Tony smiles, nodding at her. She smiles, walking away. I say "time to go to the station." Tony says "yup." Asia comes up to us, hugging us saying "thank you, guys. I'll probably see you around?" I say "yeah, were around a lot. You know where to find us if you need us though." She nods saying "yup, see you" walking back to her parents. The security guy says "see you guys." I nod saying "yup." We get in the car, me speeding over to the station cause why not. We get there and we get out of the car and I grab Tony's belt loops, pulling him close to me. He says "I love you." I kiss him, placing one hand on his hip and the other  gripping the hair at the nape of his neck. He softly bites my bottom lip, pulling it gently. I smile, resting my forehead against his. I say "I love you." Tony says "I love you too."

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