Mike's POV
I chuckle, sliding the guns into my jacket. The security guy says "who's sexy guy you have with you, Mr. Fuentes?" I say "no touching him he's mine" teasingly. Tony rolls his eyes saying "you don't own me." The security guy chuckles and says "he's a cutie, if you don't want him around I'll take him just to look at all day." Tony looks down, smiling and biting his lip. I say "I don't plan on getting rid of him." Tony blushes and I poke his side. He mumbles "stop it." We walk up to the reception and Tony says "let me do the talking." I roll my eyes saying "fine." Tony says "thank you." He goes up to the receptionist saying "were here to talk to Dr. Joy Annesley on personal matters." The woman smiles saying "verification?" I hold up my badge and a woman that gasped over my guns earlier say "don't let him in he has a gun! They both do!" I say "then why were we let through security when they were in plain sight the whole time." The woman says "I don't know." I show her my badge saying "we work with the FBI." She says "ok sorry, officer." I nod and the receptionist says "top floor, the big double doors at the end you'll see them they're pretty grand." Tony says "thank you" quietly, smiling and walking to the elevators with me. The area is crowded with people between ones who work here, who are guests here, and some are leaving a meeting. We go up the elevator and we go out at the top floor. Tony says "woah big window" looking out a giant window. I chuckle saying "mhmm." I kiss him quickly and I go up to the door, knocking on it. A voice says "come in." We go in, shutting the door behind us. Joy says "come sit." Tony and I sit down and I say "oh this is Tony by the way. So, were working on the case about your daughter, Asia and we just wanted to ask you some questions." She nods and I say "do you have any idea of how she died?" Joy says "is there a right or wrong answer or do you want what I think happened?" I say "what you think happened." She nods saying "I think she was caught in the wrong place at the wrong time. Someone probably did one of those drugs that leave no trace of anything happening because there was no evidence of how she passed. It was just awful really." Tony mumbles "why didn't we think of that? We're kind of stupid sometimes." I scratch my forehead saying "mhm. Do you have any ideas of who could've done it?" She wipes tears out of the corner of her eyes saying "sorry, I don't have any ideas of who it could be." I say "no ideas?" Raising an eyebrow. She shakes her head and I say "is there anything that could of had a playing factor of her passing like self harm, suicidal thoughts, run ins with gangs, absolutely anything?" Joy says "she was always a very closed off person to me and her father but she seemed very opened with her friends and her grandmother on her dads side." I say "what school do her friends go to?" She says "the one back near the police station. The high school." I say "ok. Can I have a phone number or some form of contact to get in touch with her grandmother? Does she have any siblings?" Joy says "she was really close with her older brother, Jason. He's in college. I can give you his number too." I say "that would be great. Thank you" as she writes them all on a piece of paper, folding it up, and handing it to me. She says "you're welcome." I say "were sorry for your loss I didn't even know her but she seemed like an amazing person." Joy smiles sadly saying "thank you. She did a lot for people and she wasn't even aware of how inspirational she was." I nod saying "thank you for your time, Dr. Annesley." She says "you're welcome, Mr. Fuentes." I nod and we shake hands and Tony quietly says "thank you, Dr. Annesley." She smiles, shyly biting her lip and nodding. We walk out and I say "you're even getting the married woman, babe." He pushes my shoulder saying "oh shut up. I'm just quiet and cute." I say "you are" kissing his forehead. I say "lets go to the school, do it one at a time this time, and go from there." Tony nods saying "deal. I love you." I say "I love you too." We get to the bottom floor and Tony says "ya know were doing pretty great at this." I say "yeah. We are. High five." He high fives me and he says "your knuckles are bruised. You hit him hard didn't you?" I say "mhm." Tony says "hot." I roll my eyes and he winks at me, walking towards the front door exit. I smile, shaking my head as I watch him sway his hips as he walks. I bite my lip, following him. The security guy from earlier says "thats some eye candy you got there, Mr. Fuentes." I say "he's more than that and no bargaining cause I'm not getting rid of him" showing him my ring. The guy says "man, I would've asked for his number but now I don't plan on it." I chuckle saying "that wouldn't end well for you" walking out the door. I walk up next to Tony and he says "security guy trying to get with me still?" I say "yeah but he backed out." Tony says "good" kissing my jaw.

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