Epilogue IV

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Mike's POV
Emma finishes and I say "ok, time to get to the good stuff. Am I right?" Kellin says "when Mike says that it's never good." I say "times are changing, Kells. So, were all going to say surprise right?" Everyone smiles and Kellin raises an eyebrow. Kellin says "what did you plan, Mike?" Vic walks into the circle, standing in front of Kellin saying "you tell me." Everyone says "surprise!" Kellin mumbles "you liar" kissing him, a tear running down his cheek. I smile and Tony looks at me, smiling. I kiss his temple, Vic and Kellin pulling away, Vic wiping Kellins tears away with his thumb.  Angelica jumps on Vics back saying "I missed you." He shifts her to his hip saying "I missed everyone" hugging her. She says "now put me down." Vic throws her over his shoulder saying "and if I don't?" She says "I'll tell grandma." I laugh as Vic puts her down. I say " not telling my mom anything. She gonna go angry Spanish mode on us." Our mom is Irish but when she met dad she started learning Spanish so now when shes mad at us she only speaks Spanish. Vic says "true" hugging Kellin from behind. I say "now you know when I say that its not always bad." Kellin says "one exception, Michael. One exception. Ok let me tell you a story. I was at Vic and Mikes house. This is after you guys moved out your moms house when you guys had this really awful apartment. 9 years ago? Yeah, I'm only telling this story because I love Mike very much and I like to be mean to him. When I got there it was probably 3 in the afternoon and that weirdo over there opens the door being like hey sexy. He was clearly drunk but Mike is a weird drunk so I smacked him to see what he would do. He fell on the floor, curled up in a ball, crying about how his phone died, that he ran out of whiskey, and that no one would love him." I laugh saying "I'm glad I don't remember that." Tony says "why 3 o' clock in the afternoon?" I laugh saying "its 5 o' clock somewhere?" Tony mumbles "you're a dork." I say "hey, Kellin remember that time when I dared you to run up the street in a tutu and nothing else and your mom saw?" Kellin says "ok, 1 you said I would have to take a shot of hot sauce if I didn't, 2 my mom was proud of me that I actually did it, and 3 your house is full of Mexican men and a woman who loves to cook for you guys so it would've been a cocktail of the spiciest hot sauces you could find, Mike." I say "thats the whole point, Kells." Tony says "my mom has a cabinet of hot sauce in the house and it has everything you could think of but only she can use it because we made a hot sauce bath once, it was on my 16 birthday the girls were 13 and 14 and Maria, Emma my sister, and I tried to see who could sit in it the longest. We had rashes for weeks and my dad went angry Mexican at us but then he laughed after, getting him banned from the hot sauce cabinet." Everyone laughs and Vic says "I have a story, we were like 14 or something and we decided to egg this guys house. We hated this guy, he was like a giant and it was dark out so we couldn't see the houses very well. The next morning I get a call from Kellin saying that his house was egged last night and he didn't learn about that till now." Kellin says "I kind of assumed it was you guys" rolling his eyes. I say "and were still friends. Somehow." Kellin says "nah, I'm only here cause Tony's my friend." Tony says "I have friends?" Taylor says "uncle Vic, remember when I pushed you down the stairs?" The kids around him laugh and I say "you pushed Vic down the stairs?!" Laughing. Taylor says "I can't push my aunts down the stairs." I high five him saying "nice one." Tony says "Ive pushed them down the stairs before." Kellin says "you pushed your younger sisters down the stairs?" Tony says "yeah, I can't push anyone else down the stairs." I say "ok, how did you push Vic down the stairs?" Taylor says "he said I was wrong so I pushed him down the stairs." Tony says "what have we taught our kids?" Vic says "my body hurt for like 3 days." Kellin says "you didn't teach them anything they just hang out with you too much." Angelica says "don't make the uncle Kellin thing come back, Kells." Kellin says "fine." All the kids gasp mumbling stuff about calling a teacher by their first name. I chuckle mumbling "they're related." Vic says "babe, you just gotta accept it. We're getting old." I laugh and Kellin says "y'all are old. Those are some feisty and scary kids." A kid says "is it scary no one that they are in the same room as 3 guys that carry guns?" I say "Vic doesn't use a gun unless he has to he's more get this guy on the ground, Tony doesn't shoot unless he feels like it which is never normally, and I only shoot if you are doing something wrong involving the law." The kid nods and I kiss Tony and I hear a few whistles. He bites my bottom lip, pulling away. He rests his forehead against mine and I mumble "I love you, baby." Tony shyly says "I love you too, Mike."

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