Mike's POV
I say "time to get to work." Tony and I go to my office and I say "ok, I was thinking we could talk to the girls parents, come back, then do more research with the information we get, question Ross who is already guilty for assault but why not make the sentence longer, mmm then make out for a little bit." Tony says "your plan with me is always different than it is with everyone else." I say "well I don't plan on making out with them." Tony says "you know what I mean, dork." I slide my hands into his back pocket saying "I know." He says "you're obsessed with my ass aren't you?" I say "of course I am. I love you." He smiles saying "I love you too." I squeeze his ass, pulling him closer to me. He bites his lip, kissing me. Tony says "you're sexy." I bite his lip saying "you're beautiful." He playfully licks my top lip then kisses me again. I say "we have to find some phone numbers." Tony says "maybe find where her parents work, a sibling, and a close friend. We can find all of those from the parents." I say "that means were going to be going to a school to talk to children. Great." Tony says "oh you'll live." He pushes me into my chair and sits in my lap, pulling his glasses out of his pocket and typing on my laptop. Tony says "if you look up her last name we can find her parents company most likely cause people like to use their last names because they are unimaginative like Asia's parents. Annesley Incorporation" showing me the screen. I nod and we look at the website. Tony says "Dr. Joy Annesley's phone number. (***)***-****." I say "lets call it then." Tony nods, sitting in my lap to face me. I grab my phone, calling the phone number. The woman on the line says "Annesley Incorporation, how may I help you?" I say "may I speak to Dr. Joy Annesley please?" The woman immediately says "speaking." I say "I'm Mike Fuentes, I want to ask you some questions in person about your daughter that recently passed, Asia Annesley." I can tell she hesitates then quietly says "who are you? Ive heard your name but I can't connect it to something for some reason." I say "I am head detective and field officer for the San Diego chapter of the FBI." She says "oh yes, I remember you I think we met a while ago." I say "I've met a lot of people so possibly." She says "I'm free in 20 minutes if that works for you if not it'll have to wait a week cause they love to work me here even though they work for me" laughing quietly. I chuckle saying "yeah, I'll see you in a bit then." She says "yup. Bye" hanging up. I say "well, we gotta go." Tony nods, kissing me. We stand up and I smack his ass, making him glare at me. I chuckle, squeezing his ass then walking out the door. Tony says "hey! Get back here" following me. I say "no." He grabs my waist making me turn around, staring into my eyes. I kiss him and I say "chief, were going to go talk to Asia's mom maybe even her dad, maybe a sibling, maybe a friend. I'll let you know if I need anything. Ok bye!" Chief rolls his eyes saying "ok have fun? Don't run in with security or a receptionist cause you know how that goes." I say "the security works for me up there I'm good or there jobs are gone" walking out the door, dragging Tony with me. We get in the car, driving off to the incorporation. When we get there Tony says "were talking to rich people not famous people this time so thats a plus." I say "true, wait her parents could be suspects because money, if they murdered someone they could wipe their own record clean, and pretend nothing happened." Tony says "woohoo, more" as we get out of the car. I fold my hands behind my back. And Tony mumbles "I love you." I say "I love you too. But why do I see a group of teenagers in a high end clothing companies parking lot? Like the factory not the store?" Tony says "who knows." A kid eyes me as if he's challenging me, then he nods. I nod at him and he says "you not from around here are you?" I say "I am not this part though." He nods saying "ahh the other part" taking a drag of his cigarette. This dude has to be 16 but I don't give a shit cause then I'd be a hypocrite. I say "pay attention to your health, kid. Its not fun trying to stop. Trust me I'd know." He nods saying "thats what my mom tells me." I say "yeah, my mom told me that too. Listen to your mom, she's most likely right wether you think so or not" walking to the building, Tony following me. Tony says "you smoked?" I say "yeah, I was this punk ass skater kid that played the drums. I was that kid at the skatepark that would climb the fence and smoked while I skated." Tony says "I was that kid that would date that kid." I say "I bet you were that kid that would sit against the fence of the skatepark, drawing or writing, while he messes with his hair." Tony says "I did that until a kid that didn't like me very much challenged me and I'd skate and completely own him." I chuckle saying "thats my husband." He bites his lip, blushing. We go into the building and a security guy says "Mr. Fuentes, been a while. You still have to go through security. Sorry man." I say "nah dude its cool" going through security and I slide the guns out of my jacket and a few ladies gasp on the other side.

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