Mike's POV
We go into work the next morning and I say "hey guys umm talk to more people, do your jobs, can someone interrogate Ross for me so I don't murder him and end up in jail, I want that done today please then we'll figure it out when we get back, and go from there?" Everyone nods and I say "good. Time to make a phone call." Tony says "woohoo" sarcastically. I roll my eyes and he follows me to my office. I sit in my chair and he shut the door and sits in my lap. I smile and he kisses me, leaning his forehead on my chest. I pull my phone out and I call Asias grandmother and she says "Angie speaking." I say "hello, I'm Mike Fuentes I work for the FBI and I was wondering if I could ask you about your granddaughter that supposedly passed away 2 days ago?" She says "my daughter in law told me that you would be calling me. Sure I'll answer some questions." I say "where would it be the most convenient for us to meet up?" She says "hmmm my house?" I say "sounds good" as Tony kisses my temple. I smile and she says "I'll send you the address. I'm free today if that works for you?" I say "that would be great what time?" Angie says "noon?" I say "sure. Thank you I'll see you in a couple hours." She says "yes, you're welcome" hanging up. She sends me the address and I say "we have an interview at a mansion" as I put the address into google earth. Tony says "we interviewed Taylor Swift like a month ago."  I say "true." I kiss him saying "I love you." Tony says "I love you too" pecking my bottom lip. I smile saying "this drive will take us a couple hours cause we're going to LA. Her brother is in this area so maybe we can talk to him when we get back." Tony nods saying "awesome." I nod saying "ready?" Tony says "think so?" I say "you sound so unsure" kissing him and standing up, picking him up with me. He says "no! Put me down! Let me walk! I have to sit for the next couple hours!" I say "no!" Opening the door. Tony says "no! Put me down" kicking the back of my knee. I put him down saying "asshole" my knee giving out for a second. He laughs, walking down the hall and out the door, his hips swaying as he walks. I smile mumbling "cute" following him. Finneas laughs saying "he just did the 'I just proved a point' walk. What did he prove?" I say "the I just proved a point walk?" Finneas chuckles saying "yeah, Taylor does it when he proves a point or wins an argument about something." I laugh, shaking my head saying "now I know that I lost when he walks away like that." Finneas says "yup. Good job buddy" patting my shoulder walking away the same way. I say "you just walked away the same way, asshole!" Finneas turns his head saying "checking out my ass, Fuentes?" I say "no, you just did it though. I see you, fool." He says "alright, Mexican gangster. (I know my name, fool. Please know what I'm talking about.) Jesus Christ" walking away. I laugh saying "k, kid. Whatever" going outside. I get in the drivers seat and Tony says "hi" smiling. I say "hi" kissing him. I pull out of the parking lot, resting my hand on Tony's thigh. He closes his eyes saying "do you know what you're going to ask her?" I say "I think it'll just come to me." Tony says "just ask her like what do you know, what was she like, was she ever secretive about anything, right?" I say "mmm you're so smart." He blushes and I say "you're cute." He smiles, looking down. I say "I wanna see your face." He looks up at me, biting his lip. I say "you're pretty" kissing his knuckles. He smiles and I look at the road. Tony says "I love you" quietly. I say "I love you too."
A couple hours later
I pull up to the house and theres a gate outside. I say "gates are fun." Tony says "mhm" as a security guard knocks on my window. I roll it down and security guard says "whats up, man?! You were up in the area a while ago but now you're back." I say "nothing much is happening right now. Do me a favor and let me in?" He says "dude, yeah totally" telling a guy to get the gate open. I say "thank you" pulling through the gate. I pull up to the house and Tony says "here we go." I say "indeed" squeezing his hand. He lets go and knocks on the door, standing slightly behind me. I smile and an older woman opens the door. She says "hello, I'm assuming one of you are Mike and the other one is some weirdo off the street." I chuckle saying "I'm Mike, thats Tony, he's the weirdo from the street thats been following me for 4 years." Tony rolls his eyes saying "hi" quietly to her. Angie chuckles saying "come in." We walk in and Angie says "boys, turn it down! I'll smack you I swear" smiling and shaking her head. We sit at her kitchen table and Tony holds my hand under the table. Angie says "so, about Asia I'm assuming?" I say "yes, theres no right or wrong but what do you think happened to her?" Angie says "she wasn't murdered I know that. I would've of felt it if she died ya know? When someone close to you passes you feel it and I never felt it. I don't know what could've happened but I have a gut feeling she's alive." I nod and say "ok, if she is unfortunately dead who do you think could've done it?" She says "a professional. A hit man, police officer thats really good at their job, an assassin, a secret agent. Anyone thats good at ambushing people." I nod and Tony says "hmm, maybe Ross didn't do it? Cause he's not to smart." I say "true, he's still getting arrested anyways but we don't know for sure." Tony nods and I say "ok, if she's not dead where do you think she would be?" Angie says "she's very resourceful she could be crossing the boarder right now and no one would even bat an eyelash because she's "dead" so people won't be looking for it and she could've gotten a fake ID then she's completely off the grid but still on the grid."  I say "do you think her brother would know anything of that?" Angie says "he's here actually. Both of them if you want to talk to them?" I say "that would be great actually." Angie says "I'll go get them" leaving the room. Tony says "ok, most likely not dead, could be fucking anywhere, no ones looking for her because she's supposedly dead, Ross is probably innocent except for the thing. Hmmm." I say "but the body?" Tony says "we'll have to figure it out. That's what we can do today." I say "long day today." Tony says "yup."

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