Mike's POV
We finish eating and I say "I told you, Miles. I ate all the tacos" I really didn't. Miles says "no you didn't, weirdo." I gasp and say "you're a weirdo." Tony comes into the room saying "you weren't answering your phone you might be in trouble" handing me his phone the phone with Chief on the line. I mumble "shit, thanks babe." Tony sits next to me, resting his head on my shoulder. I kiss his forehead and chief says " great job answering your phone, Mr. Fuentes." I say "sorry, I'm hanging out with family." Chief says "whatever, rundowns at 8 tonight bring coffee this case is going to be weird." I say "can the coffee have whiskey in it?" Chief says "no, you have to be sober, idiot." I say "god damn I tried. I'll see you then." Chief says "see you then" hanging up. Tony says "so did he have your head?" I say "no, he works for me a little more than I work for him. He wasn't that impressed though." Tony says "ok normal." Emma says "did you just ask a co worker if your coffee could have whiskey in it?" I say "yes." Emma says "why?!" I say "uh because whiskey is great. Duh." Maria chuckles saying "you're a weirdo." I say "where's your man anyways, Maria? You too Emma?" Emma says "he's working a night shift tonight." Maria says "he's working late. He should be here in a few minutes though. I forgot to ask you how was everything after earlier?" I say "oh it was fine. God, I can't remember why I even let Vic be friends with that dude. Or why I was friends with him for that matter. He's utterly pointless." Tony says "you were friends with that dude?!" I say "yeah, that dude was obsessed with "in love" with Vic. More obsessed like stalker obsessed. Kellin never liked him so Vic got rid of him but he kept coming back." Tony says "those two could go through anything and it wouldn't even phase them." I say "I have to deal with Vic tonight. God he's annoying" sarcastically. The girls laugh and Tony says "you guys love each other be quiet." I say "ehh he's alright." We all laugh and we hear a knock at the door. I say "I'll get it." Tonys mom says "no, sit down. I'll get it." I say "no, I got it" walking to the door. I open it and its Ross, Marias fiancé. I say "hey man whats up?" Deciding to play nice. He gives me a look and I step outside and he says "stay away from my fiancé!" Pushing me against the door. I say "dude, I saved her life earlier, I bought her wedding dress on my own free will, what are you even on about?" He says "she told me you kissed her!" Slapping me across the face. I say "no, she didn't you're lying. You can lie to many but not me" I push him off of me and I slap him. He says "what the fuck man! You cant just hit me!" Loudly so people in the house could here him. I say "oh, cut the bullshit you hit me first." He says "I did not!" Punching me in the face. I say "what do you want from me?!" He says "I want you to stop making my wife cheat on me!" I say "thats it" punching him harder than he punched me. I say "relationships are about trust not ownership, asshole. Now stop before I make you look worse than you already do, buddy" walking back inside and shutting the door. I don't hear the door shut and Ross walks in yelling "WHAT THE HELL, DUDE. YOU CAN'T JUST PUNCH ME!" I say "cut the godamn bullshit! 1 you hit me first, 2 I am not helping your godamn fiancé cheat on you, and 3 if you don't stop I will land you in a fucking hospital! Got it?" Ross says "you wouldn't put me in a hospital! You don't have the nerve!" I say "why wouldn't I. I put my ex friend in a hospital this morning you think I wouldn't do it to you?" Ross says "you're an asshole." I say "oh I'm the asshole?! Ok" shrugging and going into the living room and sitting on the couch next to Tony. Tony mumbles "told you." Maria says "what just happened?!" Ross walks in saying "he hit me first!" I say "would you just stop making me look like bad guy?" He says "you're helping my fiancé cheat on me!" I walk up to him saying "whats the girls name?" He says "what do you mean? What's her name?!" I say "what's the name of the girl you're cheating on her with, buddy?" He says "I don't know what you're talking about?!" I say "fine act innocent but I know more than you think I do about you." Ross says "babe, are you not going to help me?! Or are you going to own up to cheating on me with him?!" Tony pushes me away and punches Ross in the face, hard saying "listen, my husband isn't cheating on me she's not cheating on you, which I'd rather her cheating on you than be with you not gonna lie but you don't talk to fucking anyone like that. I pretend to like you for her but now I think things are a little different." Tony punches him again walking into the kitchen. Tony's mom comes in saying "what the hell is going on?!" Ross says "Mike punched me!" I say "stop playing the innocent one. You hit me and accused me of sleeping with your fiancé. Obviously I'm going to hit you back." Tonys dad comes in saying "Ross, I think you should go." Ross says "but. Babe?" She looks at me desperately. I say "ok. Out or your dead." Ross says "you wouldn't kill me." I say "I would if I had to. Out" reaching into my jacket. Ross goes wide eyed and walks out of the house, driving away. I say "I'm sorry about that" looking at Tonys parents. Tony's mom says "its ok, hun. You're off work for a couple more hours just relax." I smile saying "thank you" walking into the kitchen.

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