Mike's POV
Susanne had to go home and most of us end up in the kitchen while Billie finishes dying her hair. Tony sits on the counter in the corner and I stand in between his knees, facing him. I smile saying "hi." He leans back on his hands saying "hi." I kiss him and he says "turn around." I do as I'm told saying "why?" He says "because" playing with my hair. I lean against the counter, rubbing his thighs with my hands. Tony mumbles "I love you" kissing my head. I smile mumbling "I love you too." Angelica says "dad, whats happening tomorrow. Someone said something about tomorrow and your job?" I say "we have to do a job at a college again. Extra weird shit this time" closing my eyes. Angelica says "so you aren't going to be here that often like last time?" I say "yeah." Kellin says "when did you find out about this?" I say "a couple hours ago." He nods and Taylor says "I'm tired." I say "me too." Tony says "me too." Kellin says "I have to deal with children as my job." Tony says "I deal with Mike 24/7." I say "rude. I love you." Tony says "I love you too" kissing my cheek. I smile, squeezing his thigh. I sit on the counter next to him. Tony bites his lip and I kiss him softly. He puts his arms over my shoulders and I say "I love you." Tony says "I love you too" looking down, biting his lip. I put my hand under his chin gently, making him look up, smiling. I mumble "hi, baby." Tony mumbles "hi" leaning his forehead against mine. I take his hand, kissing his knuckles. Tony says "Billie, when are you going to be doneeee. I'm impatient." Billie says "half an hourrrrr" scrolling on her phone. I chuckle and say "well this is nice." Vic says "Mike, I'm eating your food" looking in my cupboards. I say "great" Tony resting his head against my chest. I say "I love you." Tony says "love you too." I play with the ends of his hair and he rests his hand on my waist. Billie says "ok hair you better be done" about 20 minutes later. I say "didn't you say half an hour not 20 minutes?" She says "yes but I'm impatient." I say "understandable" as she washes her hair out. I say "so you did this with box dye?" She says "no. I went to hot topic and got a bottle because box is mainly alcohol and isn't good for your scalp." I say "right." Tony says "lets drink it." I smack his forehead saying "not the good shit the rubbing alcohol you use in hospitals." Tony says "ohhh." I chuckle saying "yeah don't drink that shit." Vic nods saying "definitely not." Tony says "ehh worth the risk." Billie says "does anyone have a blow dryer?" Angelica says "yeah. I'll be right back" going into her room. Christina says "there is so many people in this kitchen and I don't think we realize it." I chuckle saying "eh, we don't really know what 'leave each other alone' means." We all laugh and Tony smiles, pressing himself against me. I bite my lip and say "are you all staying or whats going on?" Billie says "I want my bed cause I'm not going to be in it for a while." Everyone nods in agreement and I say "me too. I'm gonna buy a body pillow." Vic says "great idea" as everyone laughs. Tony says "I'm gonna sneak in and cuddle you. No ones going to know and no ones going to find out." I chuckle and say "I'm down." We all laugh tiredly and Lilly says "I'm going to bed I'm tired. Billie, send my a picture of your hair when its done" going to her room. Angelica comes back and gives the hairdryer to Billie and she quickly drys her hair. I say "it looks good." She says "I like it. Ready for college boys?" We all groan and Billie says "just remember everyone is satanic." I chuckle and say "ugh we have to talk to people that's not each other tomorrow." Tony says "mhmm. Ewww." We all stare at each other weirdly then we burst out laughing. A few minutes later everyone goes to bed and to their houses. Tony bites his lip saying "what  now?" I smirk saying "what now?" He smirks saying "you tell me." I slide my hands into his back pockets, kissing him deeply. He moans quietly at the contact. I bite his lip and he says "I love you so much." I say "mmm I love you too, baby." He wraps his arms around my neck, playing with my hair. I kiss down his neck and he mumbles "not here" jumping down from the counter. I get down following him, pulling my shirt off and unbuttoning my jeans. Tony turns to my and I pull his shirt off, kissing down his chest. I kiss him, getting on my knees. I kiss his lower stomach and just to tease him I stand up, kissing him. He glares at me and I bite my lip, pulling him over to the bed. I push him onto the bed and he runs his hands over my sides. Tony says "my back hurts but I like this so." I say "let me help you with that then." I kiss him and he flips over and I say "where?" He points at a spot on his back. I mumble "k baby, let me help you with that." I straddle his back and I press the palm of my hand into the spot and he says "oww" gripping my wrist. I say "shh" kissing his neck and biting a hickey into it. His hips move slightly and I smirk. Ha sensual massages are very effective. I told you. I mumble "feeling better, baby?" Kissing behind his ear. He says "mhm."

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