Mike's POV
Angelica says "ok I think I'm good." We walk out of the room and Tony's mom goes up to her saying "are you ok?!" She nods saying "I think so." I smile and Tony says "what time is it?" I say "11." He nods and we go to the living room and theres music playing on the tv and the families are dancing around. I chuckle saying "what are you guys doing? And Vic when did Kellin get here?" Taylor says "were trying to teach each other how to dance and its not working very well." I laugh and say "care to join me, babe?" Tony rolls his eyes saying "sure" taking my hand. I say "just sure?!" Tony says "would you rather no?" I say "no" as he puts his arms around my neck. He bites his lip, smiling and resting his head on my shoulder. I kiss his head and he says "I love you." I say "I love you too." Taylor says "Finneas, you're doing it wrong!" Tony laughs and says "either you both are doing it wrong or no ones doing it wrong and clearly you're both doing it wrong." I chuckle and say "I think he's right." Tony says "mhm" kissing my jaw. I smile and I kiss his forehead. I rest my hands on his hips, squeezing them gently. Tony kisses me saying "what time is it?" Taking my phone out of my back pocket. I say "hey! No stealing my phone." He says "I was just checking the time, dork." I mumble "I love you, baby." He says "I love you too." I kiss him and he bites his lip and Maria grabs my arm saying "dance with me." I say "ok" laughing.  Maria says "when did you learn how to dance?" I say "mom made me learn against my will" chuckling. Tony says "Maria, I'm really starting to think you're stealing my man." My mom says "I did not that was your father." My dad says "I did not that was Vic." Vic says "nope, it was Kellin." Kellin says "Tony did it!" Tony says "woah! Nu huh. It was Miles." Miles says "thats not even logical, uncle Tony! It was Angela." Angela says "hypocrite! Logical my ass." Mind you Angela is 8 and Emma says "who taught my daughter to swear!" Trying not to laugh. Angela says "I heard the guy outside say it earlier." I laugh saying "Finneas, you're done for you might wanna run." Finneas says "I didn't know young ears were present!" I laugh and Maria shakes her head saying "why doesn't that guy hang out more often I like him." Emma says "Taylor probably banned him from hanging out with us." We all sit around the living room and Taylor says "hey! I did not. Finneas and dad will eventually get sick of each other then hell will break loose" gesturing to me. Finneas nods and I say "yeah. Eventually, someone would end up hitting someone" everyone in the room laughing. Vic says "Finneas would hit you first." I say "I don't know, dude. He is pretty annoying." Finneas says "I think he would hit me first cause if I did it first I'd lose a job and getting fired by him I would never get a job again, I'd most likely have to break with my boyfriend at gun point, and I'd probably get punched by Tony so that wouldn't be nice." Tony says "oooo that would be fun." I say "not yet. Not yet." The group chuckles and Finneas says "its almost 12." I say "ok, time to go then." Tony says "woohoo?" I say "eh." Finneas says "come on, weirdos. It'll be fun." I say "whatever" going to the door. I say "bye family." I get some waves and "byes." We get in the car and I pull out of the driveway. Tony says "hi." I smile saying "hi." He places his hand on my thigh, rubbing slowly. I say "what are you doing?" Placing my hand on top of his. He bites his lip and he reaches up, rubbing his hand down my shoulder as he trails his hand farther up my thigh. He says "I love you." I say "I love you too." He slides his hand over my crotch and I say "were going to work not the house" taking his hand away. Tony says "so?" I say "so stop touching me." He says "no" kissing my neck. I glare at him and he smiles innocently. I say "ugh" as I pull into the parking lot. We get out of the car and press Tony against the side door. He says "hi" innocently. I kiss him and I say "hi" biting his lip. I kiss his bottom lip and he pokes my top lip with his tongue. I chuckle and kiss him. I smile and he bites my bottom lip. I put my hand on his hip and he places his hand on my chest. I pull him close, him kissing me. I smile and we walk to the building. I take his hand and kiss his knuckles. He blushes, looking away. I put my hand gently on his cheek making him face me. He bites his lip and I kiss him gently, opening the door for him. He smiles and I follow him in. I smack his ass and he says "hey!" I kiss his cheek and Vic chuckles, raising an eyebrow. I say "hello everyone, how are you?" Chief says "man that guys an asshole that your brother brought in." Tony says "and were related by marriage it kind of sucks." I say "they're not married." Tony says "yet, he's probably going to sweet talk my sister then well have to kick his ass until he's in the fucking ground." I hear a yell "I CAN FUCKING HEAR YOU!" I yell "I DON'T FUCKING GIVE A SHIT! I WILL BLOW YOUR FUCKING BRAINS OUT AND I WOULDN'T REGRET IT!" Tony says "I wanna watch that." I smile, rolling my eyes. I say "don't think your sister would be too happy about that" wrapping my arm around his waist, putting my hand in his front pocket. I say "ok, plan. More research, interrogate the asshole and try not to kill him, maybe question more people, then go from there I think."

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