Mike's POV
We get to the college and I turn to Tony saying "I love you so much." He says "I love you too" kissing me passionately. I bite his lip and he says "ok ready?" I say "think so. Party in my room tonight don't miss it." Tony says "who's on the guest list?" I say "my hot husband" winking at him and getting out of the car. Billie mumbles "what classes are we taking?" As we group together. I say "we'll have to find out." Finneas says "great." Tony mumbles "yup." I put my hands in my pockets cause I'm used to holding Tony's hand and they are starting to shake. Tony sips his coffee, looking at me. I say "what?" He says "what?" We both laugh quietly and we go in the main building on campus. Vic says "we ready?" We all nod and I say "pretty sure." We go to the table with preppy looking girls handing out schedules. When Tony and I walk up to the table the girls are biting their lips and twirling their hair. I say "hey, could I get a schedule?" She says "uh name?" I say "Mike Fuentes." She says "here sexy" handing me a schedule." I say "thank you, doll." The girls love the nickname and I don't use it on Tony cause its weird for us and I hate using it. Tony gets his schedule from the girl thats flirting with him. He flirts back a little but my shy boy is quiet about it which only makes it cuter to the girl across from him and we all know it. He walks over to me saying "remind me why I have to flirt with girls." I say "you don't but its cute watching it and the girls are finding it cute. You're doing everything right." He smiles and says "let me see your schedule." I give him my schedule and he says "we have like 1 class together." I say "great" sarcastically. He nods in agreement. A guy comes up to me saying "dudes, we have a couple rooms in the house if you want in!?" I look at Tony and he shrugs, putting on a show for this so we don't weird people out. I say "sure, bro." He nods saying "I can show you around if you want?" I say "dude, I think we can pass on the tour but could you show us where this house is?" The guy chuckles saying "sure, dude. I'm Gabe." I say "I'm Mike thats Tony." He nods saying "the house is a bit crazy on days like today. There's now about 8 of us including you guys." I say "what do you do with your lives, man?" He says "study, party, and hope to god we did our work right." I say "good motto to follow." Tony nods in agreement. When Tony meets new people he doesn't talk much but he's an active listener. Gabe says "so, whats your lives like before school?" I say "sex, whiskey, girlfriend, and family. Ya know bro?" Gabe says "mad respect you have time for your family too. You're fucking magical." I say "gotta learn to separate and figure out boundaries." Gabe says "girlfriend too?! Man, you're where its at. What's she like?" I say "dude, she's so fucking hot, no one can handle it. She has the hips and the ass and everything in your wet dreams, dude." He says "you should bring her around sometime." I say "nah she doesn't like talking to people too much she'd rather stay out of hanging with my friends since she already thinks I'm a dork." Tony looks down, blushing heavily. I smirk and he glares at me. Gabe says "it would be an honor to meet her if you ever bring her around." I say "yeah, dude" as we get to the house. Gabe says "how long have you been together?" I say "I wanna say 4 years a few days ago." He says "congrats dude how do you do it? I need life advice." I say "I'm pretty fucking magical. Its about balance, dude." Tony mumbles "don't boost his ego." I chuckle saying "Tone, my ego is just fine." Tony mumbles "says your ego." Gabe says "I never expected that feistiness from quiet boy." I say "he's feisty you'll learn" and Tony nudges my arm. I smile and Gabe says "so, Mike whats her name?" I say "Maria." He says "nice. Sexy." I say "hey! She's mine not yours." Gabe says "possessive much? You should share." I say "sorry man I don't share." Gabe says "Tony, surely your cute face has a girl." Tony mumbles "yeah, she actually is going here too." Gabe says "how long?" Tony says "I don't feel the need to keep track. Quality over quantity right?" Gabe says "I need to think more like you guys. Very inspiring." I say "thanks dude" and we walk inside. A guy says "did you find new people or did they get creeped out by you?!" Tony looks at me and I bite my lip. He blushes and looks down. I chuckle quietly and Gabe says "I'm surprised I wasn't scared of them in all honesty." About 6 guys are sitting in the living room and one says "whats their names?" I say "I'm Mike thats Tony." Tony smiles and looks down. A guy says "aww he's shy. Cute." Tony mumbles "I swear this is a giant orgy exorcist." I chuckle and say "me too. I'm down." Tony shakes his head whispering "of course you are." Gabe says "this is Logan, Andrew, Hunter, Zane, Dylan, Alex, and Liam." I nod saying "awesome" clasping my hands behind my back. Gabe says "well follow me." We go to the end of a hallway and he says "this room and this room can be yours. Choose whichever one you want." I say "cool" opening one of the doors. All the guys are around the corner and I kiss Tony and walk into my room.

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