Mike's POV
I say "whatever." Tony says "don't whatever me" rolling his eyes. I say "I wonder if Kellin will get mad at us for corrupting his classes minds?" Tony says "maybe mad but won't murder us kind of thing." I say "I can live with that." Da kid says "are you like pretending to be friends with our teacher or whats the deal?" I say "hmm were actually friends but I'm trying to think of a way to prove it. I could tell you where he lives but I don't think he wants child stalkers. Vic's paranoid, I'd have to deal with it, we'd all end up yelling at each other, it would be a whole thing just cause Vic is paranoid." Tony says "he doesn't seem paranoid. I think you're the paranoid one." I say "Vic is equivalent to Nick Fury paranoid. Its funny how paranoid he is sometimes." Tony says "Jesus Christ. Poor Vic has to deal with your ass." I say "you're the one that lives with me." Tony says "true. You're annoying." I say "stop bullying me. School is a bully free zone, Tony." Tony says "oh shut up, dork." I say "we've been over this I don't shut up!" Tony says "you're going to be living at Vics house tonight if you don't shut up." I say "not tonight! Not ever! I love the guy but not that much. I'm gonna go homeless for a night instead." Tony laughs then says "then I suggest you be good." I say "maybe. You wouldn't kick me out." Tony says "mmm maybe maybe not." I say "great. Guys, help me out here." The kids all eye each other then one says "no." I say "god damn guys." Tony says "hah they like me more than you." I say "who wouldn't like you more. I like you more than I like myself and I like my self a lot." A guy chuckles and Tony blushes, looking at me. I bite my lip and poke his side. Tony says "stop ittttt." I say "noooo." Tony says "I wanna go home." I say "me too." Tony glares at me and I say "why you glaring at me?" He says "I felt like it." I say "whatever. What do you guys do for fun in here anyways?" A kid says "not school." I say "me too. Tony, I'm bored." Tony says " and I can't help you with that." I say "you could but you choose not to" winking at him when he turns around. Tony says "you would be the worse teacher in the world." I say "I would say the same about Kellin when he was 16 but look where he is now." Tony shakes his head saying "you're literally the worse." I say "you're so mean to me. Tell me you love me!" The kids laugh and Tony says "no" turning around. I say "youre going to end up at Vic and Kellins house tonight if you aren't careful." Tony says "you wouldn't do that" leaning on his hands on the side of the desk, facing me. I lean a little closer saying "you want to bet?" Tony says "I do." I smile and I poke his side. He says "Mikeeeee, stop it!" I poke his side again and he says "stop itttt!" Hitting my arm. I say "I'm bored." Tony says "well that doesn't mean you can just poke me." I say "I have the right" hip bumping him. He says "no you don't" laughing. I say "yeah!" Tony says "no!" I say "yeah!" Tony laughs saying "you're arguing with me like you do with our nephew." I say "I miss that kid." Tony says "we need to get everyone to hang out." I say "yeah." Tony says "thats a lot of people." I say "were Mexican, its normal to have big gatherings." Tony says "thats true." A guy says "either they're together or they're married. Any bets anyone?!" A girl says "seriously Tyson?! If they aren't married I'm gonna cry." A girl says "I don't know, Casey. They might be friends." Tonys phone rings and I say "look at you being popular." Tony says "its Angelica, be quiet. Hey, whats going on, hun?" He rubs his forehead, looking at me. Tony says "he fucking what?! That asshole! Ugh I'm gonna kick his ass. Yeah I'll tell him. You wanna talk to dad? K" handing me the phone. I say "hey, sweetheart, whats happening?" She says "dad, he cheated on me! What do I do?! I love him but I hate him more! I'm pissed off but I love him so much" sobbing through the phone. I say "sweetheart, where are you right now?" She says "I'm at home. Sorry I'm bothering you. I would've bothered Kellin but he went home according to the principal." I say "do you need me to come hug you?" She laughs saying "no dad. I want to be alone right now. I'll see you later?" I say "I'll see you later, sweetheart ok? I love you." She mumbles "I love you too, dad" hanging up. I say "Tone, what are we going to do?" Tony says "you're normally the one with the plan." I say "ugh if I find that kid can I punch him?" Tony says "we both want to doesn't mean we can. Even I want to." I say "its hot when you get fired up." Tony says "oh be quiet." I mumble "I'm worried about her." Tony mumbles "me too." I say "she's not alone someone has to be at the house." Tony says "I think Christina and Ava are at the house unless they left without telling me." I say "do you like stalk them or something? How do you always know where they are?!" Tony says "responsible dad, irresponsible dad" pointing at himself then me. I mock "married to irresponsible dad, irresponsible dad" pointing at him then myself. Tony says "yeah, I forgot about that." I say "fuck off you love me. I have a question, so I'm going to give you a scenario and you have to give me your best answer. So, your significant other cheats on you. What do you want your parents to do about it? I see you all want to yell your answer but please raise your hand. You" pointing at a girl. She quietly says "for my dad to validate my feelings and give me a hug." A couple girls say "preach." Another girl raises his hand and I say "you." She says "for my dad to kick their ass." I smile at Tony and he says "don't beat up a kid unless they do something against the law, Mike." I say "come on, babe!" Tony says "no. I'm not letting you beat up a kid." I say "come on! Please?!" Tony says "no." I say "what if I make him throw the first punch?" Tony says "maybe then. Just maybe." I say "you sound like my mommmmm." Tony says "your mom would be worse in this situation she would put you on house arrest and you're the police officer." The kids laugh and I lay on the floor. Tony says "you're a weirdo." I say "you're a meanie." Tony says "seriously? Fine then be that way." A girl says "ok they aren't related cause that would be weird. Definitely together." Tony says "nah were related" sarcastically, rolling his eyes. I stand up saying "I'm sorry." I lean against the desk next to him and he looks at me saying "you didn't have to apologize." I mumble "I love you." Tony mumbles "I love you too" resting his head on my shoulder. I kiss his temple and the las bell of the day rings.

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